Management Functions. Strategies. Methods.

Management Functions. Strategies. Methods.

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Organisations are common in everyone’s life. They are everywhere around us, and we are the members of various organisations for most of our lives. We are citizens of a co-untry, we learn in schools and colleges, attend additional courses, play in sport teams and musical groups, and belong to religious communities and other associations. Thus, most of us work in business organisations.
The purpose of this book is to present basic knowledge about managing contem¬porary organisations. Due to its limited size, the book contains only selected theories, models, and applications. In many cases, there are references to enlarged sources and other materials in the text. The book is addressed mostly to the students from different countries studying bachelor or master programme. As foreign students’ mother langu¬age is not very often English, that is why the language used in the text is simplified.
The book consists of five logically related chapters, which focus on main questions of organisation and management and enlighten both theory and practice of manage¬ment from various perspectives. The first chapter starts with a discussion about the nature of organisation, its main components, and life cycle. It shows organisations as open systems and places them in the environment. In addition, a general description of a management process and managers within organisations is presented. The second chapter brings a closer look at four main managerial processes (activities): planning and decision-making, organizing, leading, and controlling. Different theories and mo¬dels are presented to describe how to run organisations effectively. The purpose of the third chapter is to introduce the strategic management process. This chapter is divided into four components: the strategic management process, the strategic analysis, types of strategy and strategy implementation. The fourth chapter in turn focuses on mana¬gement methods. The last chapter shows the evolution of management science. Various concepts and approaches are presented – from the earliest movements to the contem¬porary ones.
We believe that the synthetic view of main managerial issues presented in the book will be helpful to understand the main problems of management practice, and encoura¬ge students to deeper studies of the presented topics.


Rok wydania2011
Liczba stron152
KategoriaZarządzanie, organizacja, strategie
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Preface    9
  Chapter 1. Introduction to management    11
  1.1. The nature of an organisation    11
  1.1.1. Defining an organisation    11
  1.1.2. Why do we need organisations?    13
  1.1.3. Variety of organisations    14
  1.1.4. The model of an organisation    15
  1.1.5. Organisational life cycle    17
  1.2. Organisation in its environment    19
  1.2.1. Defining environment    19
  1.2.2. Types of organisational environment    20
  1.2.3. The task environment    22
  1.2.4. The general environment    22
  1.2.5. The international environment    23
  1.2.6. Environmental uncertainty    25
  1.3. The process of management    26
  1.3.1. What is management?    26
  1.3.2. The management functions    27
  1.3.3. Managers within an organisation    28
  Chapter 2. Management functions    33
  2.1. Planning and decision-making    33
  2.1.1. The idea of planning in organisation    33
  2.1.2. Decision-making process    35
  2.2. Organising and organisational structure    38
  2.2.1. Defining an organisational structure    38
  2.2.2. Structural dimensions    39
  2.2.3. Basic types of organisational design    42
  2.2.4. Determinants of an organisational structure    48
  2.3. Leading    50
  2.3.1. The nature and bases of power    50
  2.3.2. Leadership    51
  2.3.3. Theories and tools of motivation    56
  2.4. Control    61
  2.4.1. The nature and purpose of control    61
  2.4.2. Types of control    62
  2.4.3. Effective control system    64
  2.4.4. Self-control    66
  Chapter 3 Strategies    67
  Introduction    67
  3.1. Strategic management process    68
  3.2. Strategic analysis    71
  3.3. Types of strategies – strategy formulation    80
  3.3.1. Strategy levels    82
  3.3.2. Types of strategy    85 Corporate directional strategy    85 The Ansoff’s Growth Matrix    87 Competitive strategy – Porter’s offensive strategies    89
  3.4. Strategy implementation    91
  Chapter 4. Methods    94
  Introduction    94
  4.1. Management by Objectives (MBO)    95
  4.2. Management by Time    97
  4.3. Management by Conflicts    99
  4.4. Management by Communication    108
  4.5. Contemporary approaches    116
  4.5.1. Total Quality Management (TQM)    116
  4.5.2. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)    119
  4.5.3. Lean Management    120
  4.5.4. Benchmarking    122
  4.5.5. Learning organisation and knowledge management    125
  Chapter 5. The evolution of management theory    134
  Introduction    134
  5.1. Scientific and administrative management    134
  5.1.1. Scientific Management Theory    134
  5.1.2. Administrative Management Theory    136
  5.2. Behavioural Management Theory    137
  5.3. The Systems Theory and Contingency Approach    139
  Final remarks    140
  References    141
  Subject index    146
  List of figures    150
  List of tables    152