Management Sciences. Nauki o zarządzaniu 23/2

Management Sciences. Nauki o zarządzaniu 23/2

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The presented journal of Management Sciences is devoted to the problems of marketing management in organizations, including the role of information systems and the marketing tools used in creating consumer behavior in various markets. The energy market, the tourism market and the specific culture market are discussed by researchers. In addition, the issue of the possibility of using the audit in business practice of intangible assets management is analyzed. The articles are based both on theoretical and empirical research. The first article titled Information sources affecting consumer behaviour in the electricity market by M. Czarnecka discusses the problem of the consumer position in the transactions in the electricity market in Poland. Based on the research carried out by the author, it can be argued that the consumers knowledge and skills concerning an evaluation of the electricity market, the institutions operating therein and their market offer are very low. The author of the article Museum’s marketing communication tools – results of empirical research by J. Macalik identifies the key conditions for museums to implement effective marketing communications activities. She presents the results of a quantitative survey of marketing managers in Polish museums on the marketing communication and recognizes conditions for effective communication activities of marketing and non- -marketing nature. The next article named Model of a City Destination Card as a marketing tool of selected European cities by M. Drozdowska, M. Duda-Seifert, A. Faron concerns the issue of the city tourism, which belongs to the strongest trends in the international tourism market − especially in Europe. The comparative study of offered tourist cards, developed on the secondary analysis of data, has been conducted. The value of the destination card as a marketing tool for a city has also been proven based on the appraisal of customers opinion. The fourth article is titled Branding as an essential element of the of destination management process using the example of selected states and was written by M. Marczak. The author proves that the development of branded products based on the most important natural and anthropogenic values undoubtedly contributes to the improvement of the image of a given region or country, and thereby to the increased competitiveness of its tourism. The last article named Communication audit and knowledge management audit as kinds of internal audits in the management of intangible assets of an organization by R. Winkler presents the possibility of using audit in business practice of intangible assets management with regard to communication system and knowledge management system. The author underlines that effective organization management requires a skilful use of information reflecting the functioning of all subsystems of a given institution.

Rok wydania2018
Liczba stron47
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction     3
  Marzena Czarnecka: Information sources affecting consumer behaviour in the electricity market     4
  Joanna Macalik: Museum’s marketing communication tools – results of empirical research     12
  Marta Drozdowska, Magdalena Duda-Seifert, Agnieszka Faron: Model of a City Destination Card as a marketing tool of selected European cities     19
  Mirosław Marczak: Branding as an essential element of the of destination management process using the example of selected states     29
  Renata Winkler: Communication audit and knowledge management audit as kinds of internal audits in the management of intangible assets of an organization     41