Management Sciences. Nauki o zarządzaniu 24/1

Management Sciences. Nauki o zarządzaniu 24/1

1 opinia

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This issue of the Management Sciences journal presents different articles, based both on
theoretical considerations and the results of empirical studies, including case study research.
Among the matters covered in this issue of Management Sciences our readers will find:
•• the role of cultural fit as a factor allowing cooperation and influencing its performance,
•• the relationship between the revenue and market capitalization of companies with digital
platform business models,
•• the relationship between the type of cultural code used for brand narration and brand
•• the operational effects and dynamic capabilities in different market conditions,
•• the techniques and methods that help in visualizing the informal organizational structure
and choosing the right people to drive change,
•• the process of an organization’s self-assessment based upon the model of the Polish
Quality Award.
The Editors of Management Sciences hope that the presented articles will be an inspirationfor many readers and will help to further enrich scientific knowledge and management proces in practice. We invite to submit your own research papers for publication in our journal.

Rok wydania2018
Liczba stron57
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction    2
  Patrycja Klimas: A cultural fit in cooperation – recognition of the cultural facet of game developers     3
  Przemysław Pomykalski: Revenue and valuation of companies with digital platform business models     11
  Monika Hajdas: Cultural codes and brand equity relations – exploratory study and research implications     19
  Barbara Petrus: Environmental dynamism: the implications for operational and dynamic capabilities effects     28
  Piotr Andrzejak: Identifying potential change leaders through social network visualizations     37
  Karol Szewczyk: Self-assessment of an organisation according to the Polish Quality Award model on the example of an automotive company – self-assessment process, selected improvement actions     48