Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts t. XVI (XXV)

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Margins and Marginalization The concepts spelled out in the title Margins and Marginalization usually carry negative connotations. They are associated with having to live outside the main current of events, or with the peripheral and thus inessential aspects of an artwork. Such an understanding assumes a sharp division into major, central, important elements, and minor or marginal ones. However, the validity of such division has been questioned by some contemporary theoreticians and artists. Its arbitrariness and relativist character had been also pointed out in the past. The aim of the 2014 volume is to investigate the occurrence of the titular concepts in the theory and practice of both old and contemporary art. We wish to examine different conceptualizations of margins and marginalization and we are open to a broad range of approaches to his topic.

Rok wydania2014
Liczba stron323
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction ...........7
  TERESA PĘKALA – Philosophical and Aesthetic Contexts of the Phenomenon of Marginalization in Late Modernity...................9
  KRZYSZTOF CICHOŃ – Around the margin in eighty worlds and twenty years. Remarks on the paradoxical nature of the notion of a margin ...............23
  PAULINA SZTABIŃSKA – Contemporary artist and the notion of center and periphery ...........................................45
  GRZEGORZ SZTABIŃSKI – The margins of transcendence in contemporary art ....................57
  AGNIESZKA KUCZYŃSKA – Surréalisme en 1947 – occultism and the post-war marginalisation of Surrealism ...........87
  EWA WOJTYNIAK-DĘBIŃSKA – Extrasensory Images: Marginal Phenomenon or Important Trend in the European Art? ................................101
  DOMINIKA ŁARIONOW – Scenography studies – on the margin of art history and theater studies ..........................115
  RYSZARD W. KLUSZCZYŃSKI – Interactive film within the paradigm of institutional cinema .......127
  GRZEGORZ DZIAMSKI – Polish Files in the Lomholt Archive of Mail Art .................137
  EWA KUBIAK – Cultural metissage – the descriptive concept of hybrid phenomena on the peripheries of cultures ......147
  ANETA PAWŁOWSKA – The Ambivalence of African-American Culture.
  The New Negro Art in the interwar period .....167
  ROMAN KUBICKI – The discreet charm of margins. A considered attempt
  to make a timid introduction to the rather non-existent aesthetics of Blaise
  Pascal ........195
  KAZIMIERZ PIOTROWSKI – The Taming of Irreligion. Essay on the
  Abuse of the Non-Sacred Idea ............215
  PIOTROWSKA-TRYZNO MAJA – The Living Death: ‘Trick or treat!’ The Vivid Presence of Death Symbolism in Contemporary Art and a Philosophical
  Interpretation of its Existential Role .........243
  ELEONORA JEDLIŃSKA – Art on the brink, ergo the margin of life: Marek Chlanda’s The Tango of Death ..........257
  MAGDALENA SAMBORSKA – The Art of Women – form the Margin to the Mainstream ..............275
  AGNIESZKA ŁUGOWSKA – The Art and Craft Divide – on the Exigency of Margins .......285
  JULIA SOWIŃSKA-HEIM – Margins and marginalizations in a postsocialist
  urban area. The case of Łódź ..................297
  Artist’s essay: Anders Liden – Art and Revelation ...........................................313
  Notes on the Contributors ....................319