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„Dokonany solidny opis firmy Amway opiera się na prawidłowym założeniu Autorki tekstu, iż należy połączyć w udaną analityczną całość niektóre koncepcje zwane teoretycznymi z empirycznymi danymi. Stąd wybór takich problemów, jak... więcej >

The article is part of the search for new generators of socio-economic development. The goal was to assess social trust (generalized, trust in public institutions) among students as current and future creators and disposers of this resource, and to... więcej >

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e-ISBN: 978-83-233-8553-0Primarily, it presents an ongoing debate in cognitive linguistics about the modelling of prepositional polysemy, known as "the story of over". Additionally, it discusses a Polish counterpart - "the story of za(-)" (a... więcej >

The monograph contains the results of research devoted to determining the vulnerability of passenger road transport in Poland by identifying the nature and scale of changes in transport accessibility and changes in the network traffic load in the... więcej >

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