This volume of the Przegląd Socjologiczny builds on the Final Activity Report delivered by the PROFIT project consortium to the European Commission. Articles presented below are based on the results produced by an international
research team involved in conducting the project called PROFIT (Policy Responses Overcoming Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of
Inequalities) financed by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Programme(CIT2CT2004-506245).
Realization of the project was a common endeavor of researchers from universities and research centres in eight European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia,Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom. Institute of
Sociology of the University of Łódź served as the project coordinating institution.
The project was policy oriented and its aim was producing knowledge to support policy-makers and policy-executives in their obligation to reach Lisbon strategy objectives focused on alleviating of poverty and social exclusion and, thus,
counteracting inequality/poverty inheritance.
Particular parts and paragraphs of the Volume are composed in a way enabling a Reader to be acquainted with theoretical foundation, objectives, methodology and results of the project. Main findings are presented in both comparative and national perspectives. While paragraphs providing comparisons have been written
mainly by scholars working for the University of Łódź, serving as the project coordinating institutions, summaries of research results obtained in particular countries were elaborated by national research teams.
PROFIT research team wishes to thank the European Commission for financing the project and subsequent scientific officers: Virginia Vitorino, Myria Vassiliadou and Marc Goffart for their advice and support.

Rok wydania2007
Liczba stron271
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  List of contents
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Editorial remark ...........................................    7
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – The PROFIT project in the 6th Framework
  Programme of EU and summary of its main findings ........................................................    9
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Theoretical inspirations to the PROFIT
  project. Conceptualizing the intergenerational inheritance of inequalities ........................    15
  Lynda H e n l e y W a l t e r s – Intergenerational inheritance of poverty: bad news
  for children, challenges for policy .....................................................................................    27
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a, Ewa R o k i c k a – PROFIT project:
  objective and methodology ................................................................................................    43
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Socio-economic context as a risk factor
  for intergenerational inheritance of inequalities (comparisons at national level) ..............    53
  Wojciech W o ź n i a k – Top level actors speak about social policy and intergenerational
  inheritance of inequalities ..................................................................................................    75
  Tomasz D r a b o w i c z – Structural determinants of inequality transmission – international
  comparison at the local level ..............................................................................................    97
  Marta P e t e l e w i c z – Similarities and dissimilarities in stakeholders’ perception
  of intergenerational inheritance of inequalities ..................................................................    117
  Ewa R o k i c k a, – Young adults at risk. Incidence of inheritance of low economic status
  and constraints of social mobility ......................................................................................    133
  Harri M e l i n, Raimo B l o m – The class position of young adults in towns
  of “old’ and “new” Europe .................................................................................................    153
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a, Magdalena R e k – Life stories of young
  adults from low status families ..........................................................................................    171
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a, Ewa R o k i c k a, Tomasz D r a b o w i c z,
  Marta P e t e l e w i c z, Magdalena R e k, Wojciech W o ź n i a k – Perception
  of intergenerational inheritance of inequalities in Poland ..................................................    189
  Elisaveta I g n a t o v a, Dragomir D r a g a n o v – Perception of intergenerational
  inheritance of inequalities in Bulgaria ...............................................................................    197
  Dieter E i s s e l, Carmen L u d w i g – Perception of intergenerational inheritance
  of inequalities in Germany .................................................................................................    207
  Dagmar K u t s a r, Avo T r u m m, Kairu K a s e a r u – Perception of intergenerational
  inheritance of inequalities in Estonia .................................................................................    217
  Harri M e l i n, Paivi N a u m a n e n – Perception of intergenerational inheritance
  of inequalities in Finland ....................................................................................................    225
  Alisa D e l R e, Devi S a c c h e t t o, Valentina L o n g o – Perception of intergenerational
  inheritance of inequalities in Italy ......................................................................................    234
  Kestutis P u k e l i s, Kristina J u r a i t e, Inga M i k u t a v i c i e n e, Sonata M a c i u l s k y t e
  – Perception of intergenerational inheritance of inequalities in Lithuania ........................    243
  Jeremy L e a m a n, Christina K o k o r o s k o u – Perception of intergenerational
  inheritance of inequalities in United Kingdom ..................................................................    253
  David M. Smith [2005], On the margins of inclusion. Changing labour markets
  and social exclusion in London, Bristol: Policy Press – rev. Paulina B u n i o .................    265
  Daniel Cueff, ed. [2006], A child on the street (Dziecko na ulicy), Warszawa: GPAS
  – rev. Marta Petelewicz .....................................................................................................    268
  Spis treści
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Projekt PROFIT w 6 programie ramowym
  UE i jego rezultaty .............................................................................................................    13
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Inspiracje teoretyczne projektu PROFIT.
  Konceptualizacje międzygeneracyjnego dziedziczenia nierówności społecznych ............    26
  Lynda H e n l e y W a l t e r s – Międzygeneracyjne dziedziczenie ubóstwa. Złe wieści
  dla dzieci, wyzwania dla polityki .......................................................................................    42
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a, Ewa R o k i c k a – Projekt PROFIT:
  założenia i metodologia .................................................................................................    43
  Wielisława W a r z y w o d a - K r u s z y ń s k a – Sytuacja społeczno-ekonomiczna
  jako czynnik ryzyka w procesie transmisji nierówności społecznych
  (porównania międzynarodowe) ..........................................................................................    74
  Wojciech W o ź n i a k – Polityka społeczna i nierówności społeczne w percepcji polityków
  szczebla centralnego ...........................................................................................................    95
  Tomasz D r a b o w i c z – Strukturalne uwarunkowania reprodukcji nierówności
  społecznych w społecznościach lokalnych ........................................................................    116
  Marta P e t e l e w i c z – Podobieństwa i różnice w postrzeganiu dziedziczenia nierówności
  społecznych przez aktorów społecznych w ośmiu miastach europejskich ........................    132
  Ewa R o k i c k a – Młodzi dorośli zagrożeni dziedziczeniem ubóstwa. Zjawisko transmisji
  nierówności społecznych oraz czynniki utrudniające społeczną mobilność ......................    152