We are happy to offer our readers English translations of selected papers published
in Issues 1, 2 and 3 of The Sociological Review (Przegląd Socjologiczny)from 2008. The presented issue is not, therefore, thematically consistent. On the contrary, our aim is to demonstrate the diversity of our interests.We begin with a program article by F. Schütze, wherein the author indicates
the benefits of the application of interpretative biography analysis in European studies. The text is accompanied by an article by K. Waniek, which illustrates the pro et contra of international social integration. The subsequent articles concern sociological description of local communities. M. Halamska presents a review of studies, in which she discusses the strengths
and weaknesses of social capital in the Polish countryside, while A. MichalskaŻyła
analyzes the issue of identification with one’s native city. Recently, numerous countries, including members of the European Union,
have begun to incorporate the notion of the knowledge-based society into their programs. In spite of the rapidly growing number of publications, the issue is still rather ambiguous. First, L. Zienkowski offers a review in which the issues concerning the problem of the ‘knowledge-based economy’ are organized. Next,
M. Zemło proposes a critical view of the knowledge-based society from the
perspective of the sociology of knowledge.
European integration, social capital and knowledge-based society – these are the keywords of this issue of The Review. These are also the keywords of the current debate within the Polish and international sociological milieu.

Rok wydania2008
Liczba stron151
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Lis t of contents
  Editorial ..................................    7
  Fritz S c h ü t z e – European identity work
  (First draft of a proposal for a joint research project) ......................    9
  Katarzyna W a n i e k – Homecomer. Some biographical implications of immigrants’
  visiting their former homes ................    45
  Maria H a l a m s k a – Social capital in rural areas: a reconstruction attempt ............    69
  Agnieszka M i c h a l s k a - Ż y ł a – Attachment to the city .............................    95
  Leszek Z i e n k o w s k i – Does the capital of knowledge affect the economic growth –
  economist’s view............................    117
  Mariusz Z e m ł o – Knowledge-based society – near future or distant prospect?....................    133