This English-language issue of The Sociological Review contains a selection of texts originally written in Polish and published in our journal in 2009. The selection has not been made at random. Two texts refer to Jan Lutyński’s concept of
apparent actions (cf. The Sociological Review 1/2009). M. Czyżewski develops the concept further, indicating its applicability in the contemporary social life. The analyzed field is the university and public debates. A. Golczyńska-Grondas and A. Kretek-Kamińska apply the idea of apparent actions to the functioning
of social services. Another matter of interest is the status of higher education in Poland. The problem is interesting to researchers as well as to the entire milieu of scientists and
politicians. Articles by M. Czyżewski, K. Karczmarczuk and A. Boczkowski represent the trend of self-analysis of the situation of universities in the period when decisions are made as to the future of higher education.
The article on the relations between the state and ethnic groups of Chile has a different and exceptional character, as it discusses the methods of dealing with
a multicultural society.

Rok wydania2009
Liczba stron115
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Lis t of contents
  Editorial ................    7
  Marek C z y ż e w s k i – “Neo-apparent” actions. Some remarks on changes
  of public communication and academic life .......    9
  Kryspin K a r c z m a r c z u k – Modernization of higher education in Poland.
  The perspective of reflexive modernization ................    31
  Andrzej B o c z k o w s k i – Effectiveness and Usefulness of education as sociological
  categories ...................    47
  Agnieszka G o l c z y ń s k a - G r o n d a s, Agnieszka K r e t e k - K a m i ń s k a
  – Social Contract – Assumptions and Realisation. The case of Łódź .........................    71
  Jeanne W. S i m o n, Claudio G o n z á l e z - P a r r a, James V. F e n e l o n
  – Contradictions in Multicultural Indigenous Policies: A Systemic Analysis
  of the Chilean State’s Response to Mapuche Demands .........................................    95