Nearly all the texts included in this issue of Sociological Revue relate to civil society and participative democracy. The articles present various approaches to these phenomena and their aspects, and are based on empirical data.
The large article by F. Schütze is focused on the results of research previously presented in Sociological Review (vol. 60–2011/1 and vol. 57–2008/4). This international research project is devoted to European identity and civil society,
as a result of which, the author proposes the design of a learning program for civil society activists and common citizens. The next article by A. Krzewińska describes the method of study of deliberative democracy developed by James
Fishkin. J. Stempień proposes the economic concept of Principal-agent to investigate
representative democracy systems. M. Legris Revel analyses research results in France concerning the process of institutionalisation and proceduralisation of the participation of citizens. C. Penna proposes the actor-network approach to investigate the relationships between social movements and the state during the
land reform in Brazil. The last article by M. Wieczorkowska is devoted to a different
topic – the cultural and social aspects of the female body in the context of medicalisation.

Rok wydania2012
Liczba stron193
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  LIST OF contents
  Editorial .................    7
  Fritz S c h ü t z e – Policy Suggestions Regarding Support of the Work of European
  Civil Society Organisations ....................................    9
  Aneta K r z e w i ń s k a – Tomorrow’s Europe deliberative poll as a proposal
  to research European public opinion ............    77
  Jakub Ryszard S t e m p i e ń – Use of the “Principal-Agent” model in the process
  of investigating and analyzing representative democracatic systems ...........    99
  Camila P e n n a – Participation and Land Reform in Brazil: tracing connections between
  bureaucrats and social movements ............    123
  Magdalena W i e c z o r k o w s k a – Medicalisation of a woman’s body – a case of breasts ....    143
  Martine Legris R e v e l – Bred or wild participation? ...........................    173