From the Editors
After the European Union great enlargement on May 1, 2004 and the
following accession of Bulgaria and Romania, the number of the European
population covered by various EU policies including the Common Agricultural
Policy increased in a significant way. It resulted in two major processes forming
the starting point of considerations encapsulated in the presented volume. The
first one has been focused on the structure of European societies that underwent
major transformations and consequently diversification of the social positions,
types of the political involvement in public life as well as increasing diversities
in value systems. At the same time the role of the rural population as a potential
political force influencing EU social and political life has also increased.
Simultaneously one of the priority objectives of the – if we might put it in this
way – EU development project has been focused on the protection of natural as
well as cultural resources located mainly in rural areas. Therefore the current LIX
volume of the ‘Sociological Review’ has been devoted to the problems of rural
areas of contemporary Europe in order to show the complexity and the richness
of the issues mentioned above.

Rok wydania2010
Liczba stron179
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  From the Editors ........................................................................................................................    7
  Marc B a r b i e r – The ecologization of agricultural development and the Treadmill
  of sustainable development. A critique a state of transition .............................................    9
  Maria H a l a m s k a & Marie-Claude M a u r e l – Decollectivisation of agriculture
  and reshaping of agrarian structure in Central Europe.....................................................    29
  Charalambos K a s i m i s – Socio-demographic imbalances in rural Europe
  and international mobility to rural areas: the case of Greece ..........................................    57
  Paweł S t a r o s t a – Civic participation in rural Europe .......................................................    77
  Krzysztof G o r l a c h & Marta K l e k o t k o – Together but separately: An attempt
  at the process of class diversification among Polish peasantry.........................................    109
  Hanna P o d e d w o r n a – Marketization of rural resources in Poland .................................    127
  Věra M a j e r o v á – The rural family: the social and economic context and its changes.....    147
  Book RE VIEW
  – Karl Bruckmeier and Hilary Tovey, eds., “Rural Sustainable Development
  in the Knowledge Society”, Ashgate, 2008. Reviewed by Katarzyna Z a j d a .................173