Informatyka Ekonomiczna 3(61)

Informatyka Ekonomiczna 3(61)

1 opinia

Praca zbiorowa



The subject of development and implementation of ICT is a source of many scientific considerations. On the other hand, investing in modern ICT solutions is one of the
main of organizational improvement directions.
Therefore, the subject of management systems is still current and an important topic of publication. The editors would like to thank the authors for the next articles, thanks to which the magazine is alive and developing. An extremely valuable feature of the Business Informatics series is the fact that the studies contained in it are the presentations of various views and points of view on the application of modern ICT solutions. Perspectives and views presented by the Authors often allow the Readers to broaden their own reflections related to the created view on the possibilities and directions of application of information and communication technologies in economic practice.

Rok wydania2021
Liczba stron81
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction VII
  Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Radosław Kłus: The use of modern remote communication tools in improving processes of a non-profit organization based on the example of the student government of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business    1
  Daria Hołodnik, Marcin Hernes, Nicolas Rideau, Gildas Barbot: Concept of data modelling for micro-networks in wine tourism     15
  Paweł Lorek: E-commerce sector in the circular economy development – hazards and prospects     24
  Adam Sokołowski: Education for sustainable development – planning the direction of education in the field of information technologies    32
  Ilhan Tarimer, Buse Cennet Karadaǧ, Michał Flieger: Making data review by a novel calculation algorithm for detecting objects’ views     46
  Artur Wrzalik: Research on the interest of local governments in the use of
  artificial intelligence in flood risk management in Poland    58