Informatyka Ekonomiczna 4(62)

Informatyka Ekonomiczna 4(62)

1 opinia



The subject of development and implementation of ICT is a source of many scientific considerations. On the other hand, investing in modern ICT solutions is one of the main of organizational improvement directions. Therefore, the subject of management systems is still current and an important topic of publication. The editors would like to thank the authors for the next articles, thanks to which the magazine is alive and developing. An extremely valuable feature of the Business Informatics series is the fact that the studies contained in it are the presentations of various views and points of view on the application of modern ICT solutions. Perspectives and views presented by the Authors often allow the Readers to broaden their own reflections related to the created view on the possibilities and directions of application of information and communication technologies in economic practice. It is also important that not all publications sent

Rok wydania2021
Liczba stron102
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction VII
  Krzysztof Chojnacki, Ewa Walaszczyk, Aleksandra Markowska, Marcin Hernes, Marcin Fojcik: Smart work – production tasks management system    1
  Wojciech Remigiusz Grzelak: The use of social media for acquiring knowledge about an enterprise – a systematic literature review     10
  Jyoti Prakash Mishra, Sambit Kumar Mishra, Zdzislaw Pólkowski, Samarjeet Borah: Analysis of data based on clinical aspects implementing meta-heuristic approach: A case study     25
  Kamila Tomczyk: Cooperative banks in social media – a survey of activities based on customer relations     37
  Maciej Wach: The application of predictive analysis in the management of investment project portfolios     51
  Monika Wojtkiewicz: Industrial property management in manufacturing enterprises – an attempt to construct a definition of the concept for use within management sciences     62
  Radosław Wójtowicz: The determinants and concept of effective implementations of ECM systems     81