Ekonometria 24/4

Ekonometria 24/4

1 opinia

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The journal Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis is now
celebrating the 25th anniversary of its establishment. In 1996, the journal Informatics
and Econometrics was founded in what was then the Oskar Lange Academy
of Economics, which after two years was transformed into the Econometrics.
Applications of quantitative methods published in the series of the university’s
Research Papers. Throughout the whole period of its existence, its Editor-in-Chief has
been Professor Józef Dziechciarz. Econometrics was first published both in Polish
and in English, but since 2018 the articles have been appearing only in English.
The authors who publish their papers in our journal are renowned Polish and foreign
scientists, as well as young scholars who are just starting out on their research path.
The editors of the journal are continuously involved in the activities aimed at the
internationalization of the publication, which also involves welcoming other authors
affiliated with foreign institutions. The group of Professors who review the articles
submitted for publication in the journal, are also members of the Scientific Council,
which comprises scientists affiliated in Poland and abroad.

Rok wydania2020
Liczba stron79
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Justyna Wiktorowicz, Łukasz Ziarko: Indywidualne czynniki wydłużające okres aktywności zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych w Polsce    1
  Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, Urszula Załuska: Go4FutureSkills – a comprehensive competency assessment tool    15
  Marja-Leena Kauronen, Olli Lehtonen, Kirsi Purhonen, Valdemar Kallunki, Angelika Polak: Picture-Based Recognition of Smokers: a novel visual method    34
  Jakub Kubiczek, Bartłomiej Hadasik: Segmentation of the electric scooter market in Poland     50