Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States

Theory and Practise

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The issues discussed in the monograph are characterised by practical and scientific significance. The analysis carried out by the author is important not only from the point of view of theory, but primarily from the point of view of international commercial practices, in this case intra-industry trade. It is also useful for comparative analyses of the relationship between economies and industries. The study is also important for Poland. The possibilities of intensifying trade with EU partners have clearly increased due to Poland’s participation in the Single European Market. Changes in the economic structure, including, in particular, the modernisation and development of the processing industry, made the Polish economy a good candidate not only to take part in intra-industry exchange, but also to intensify it.
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Czarny (from review)
The results of analyses regarding the interrelationship between the intensity of intra-industry trade and the international competitiveness of economies, in particular the new Member States of the European Union (EU-10) against the background of the competitiveness of the “old” EU (EU-15) economies, are rarely presented. The topic of the monograph is important from a practical and scientific point of view. The author presented a new insight and valuable input to the discussion on how to measure competitiveness and the scale of adaptation of economies in the process of liberalisation within the Single European Market.
dr hab. Edward Molendowski, prof. UEK (from review)

Rok wydania2020
Liczba stron202
KategoriaZastosowania informatyki
WydawcaWydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  List of abbreviations     9
  Introduction 11
    Economic competitiveness and intra-industry trade     11
    Research objectives and hypotheses    14
    Research methods     14
    Composition of the publication    15
    Data source    17
    Contribution to scientific research    19
  1. International economic competitiveness – theoretical aspects 21
    1.1. Introductory remarks    21
    1.2. Economic competitiveness theory fundamentals    22
      1.2.1. The substance and importance of the competitiveness of the national economy and the evolution of economic thought and theory    22
      1.2.2. Elements of the international competitive ability of a country – analysis of interrelations    26
      1.2.3. Evolution of the definition of international competitiveness of countries    28
    1.3. Measures of international competitiveness and international competitive positions of economies    32
      1.3.1. Competitiveness modelling – selected methodological aspects     32
      1.3.2. Factors of international competitiveness    33
      1.3.3. Classification and assessment of the main measures of international competitiveness and competitive positions of economies    36
    1.4. Summary    40
  2. Intra-industry trade in the light of theories of international trade     43
    2.1. Introductory remarks    43
    2.2. Fundamentals of the intra-industry trade theory    46
    2.3. Causes of intra-industry trade intensification    48
    2.4. Benefits of the development of intra-industry trade    51
    2.5. Methods of measurement of intra-industry trade    52
      2.5.1. Traditional measures of intra-industry trade    52
      2.5.2. Dynamic analysis – marginal intra-industry trade     56
      2.5.3. Three trade types – a complementary approach to methods of analysing two-way trade flows    58
      2.5.4. Separation of inter- and intra-industry trade flows    59
    2.6. Regional liberalisation of trade and intra-industry division of labour     64
      2.6.1. Intensity of intra-industry trade and trade liberalisation    64
      2.6.2. Structural changes as a result of trade liberalisation and intra-industry specialisation    66
      2.6.3. The role of two-way trade in the convergence of integrating economies    68
      2.6.4. Intra-industry trade and deep economic integration of CEE countries – a review of the most important studies    70
    2.7. Summary    76
  3. Trends in the foreign trade of the EU-10 in 2004–2015 78
    3.1. Introductory remarks    78
    3.2. The main changes of foreign trade conditions resulting from EU accession    78
    3.3. The growing role of foreign trade in EU-10 economies     81
    3.4. Main trends in the dynamics of foreign trade of the EU-10 in 2004–2015     85
    3.6. Similarity of EU-10 export and import structures in relations with the EU-15 and in mutual trade    90
      3.6.1. Exports     91
      3.6.2. Imports    94
    3.7. Specialisation and concentration of exports and imports of NMS     97
    3.8. Summary    103
  4. Changes in the economic competitiveness of NMS after accession on the basis of intra-industry trade indices 104
    4.1. Introductory remarks    104
    4.2. Changes in the intensity of intra-industry trade     105
    4.3. Intra-industry trade in relations with the main groups of partners     107
    4.4. Changes in the structure of intra-industry trade by type     111
    4.5. Indices of intra-industry trade in final goods and intermediaries     114
    4.6. Summary    117
  5. Intra-industry competitiveness of NMS by industry 120
    5.1. Introductory remarks    120
    5.2. Structure of intra-industry trade in manufactured goods    121
      5.2.1. Machinery and transport equipment     121
      5.2.2. Other manufactured goods    127
      5.2.3. Chemicals    131
    5.3. Intra-industry trade in manufactured goods in categories based on technology intensity    134
    5.4. Structure of intra-industry trade in primary commodities    139
      5.4.1. Food, beverages and tobacco    139
      5.4.2. Energy products (i.e. mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials)    142
      5.4.3. Raw materials    145
    5.5. Summary    146
  6. Conclusion and final remarks 149
    6.2. Recommendations for further research    155
  List of tables 157
  List of charts 160
  List of figures     162
  Bibliography    163
    Bibliography – electronic documents    185
    Websites    187
  Statistical Annex     189