Ekonometria 23/3

Ekonometria 23/3

1 opinia

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OPIS In the current issue of the journal “Econometrics Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis”, seven articles are published. Jacek Batóg and Barbara Batóg discuss the macroeconomic factors of economic growth in the European Union in 2000-2016. They present the results of the study in which they proposed the use of discriminant analysis. This method is widely used on a microeconomic scale, but has not been used in the area of economic growth, especially in the long term, which at the same time makes it possible to observe short-term changes. The paper by Marcin Pełka concerns the results of the analysis of World Happiness Data. In the presented paper, model-based clustering ensemble is built to determine similar patterns of happiness across selected European countries. The review of graphical tools for the presentation of discrete longitudinal data in R is the subject of the
article by Ewa Genge. The main aim of this paper is to present the different graphical tools for the heterogonous discrete longitudinal data sets on ground-changing perceptions of the financial situation in Poland, and to present the demographic features for those changes. The next authors, Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska and Anna Matuszyk, studied the SME’S bankruptcy risk on the Polish market. The authors attempt to verify the hypothesis that incorporating information about the macroeconomic conditions of a company’s operation significantly increases the effectiveness of the model that forecasts company bankruptcy. In the paper by Iwona Markowicz and Paweł Baran, the results of providing a classification as well as the ordering of CN chapters (2-digit codes) according to quality of data on intra-
Community trade of goods, are given. The study reveals the structure of goods subject to intra-Community trade that is supplementary to the official terminology. The article by Artur Mikulec shows the results of the search for the best method of the estimation of values of individual functions in survival analysis based on other functions (with limited access to primary data). The paper shows compiled and classified information on the particular functions used in the non-parametric duration analysis of enterprises, and additionally a compilation of statistical programs and packages available in R environment. The final article, written by Renato Rossetti, concerns the problem of forecasting the sales of console games in the Italian market. The aim of the presented research is to exploit the capabilities of Exponential Smoothing and SARIMA Models, in order to have a comparison of the results.

Rok wydania2019
Liczba stron96
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction VII
  Jacek Batóg, Barbara Batóg: Makroekonomiczne czynniki wzrostu gospodarczego w Unii Europejskiej w latach 2000-2016: analiza wielowymiarowa    1
  Marcin Pełka: Analiza zadowolenia w krajach Unii Europejskiej z zastosowaniem wielomodelowej klasyfikacji opartej na modelach danych symbolicznych    15
  Ewa Genge: Graficzne narzędzia prezentacji dyskretnych zbiorów panelowych w programie R    26
  Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Anna Matuszyk: Czynniki makroekonomiczne w modelowaniu ryzyka upadłości MŚP. Przykład rynku polskiego    40
  Iwona Markowicz, Paweł Baran: Klasyfikacja i porządkowanie liniowe działów nomenklatury scalonej na podstawie asymetrii w handlu wewnątrzwspólnotowym z wykorzystaniem Uogólnionej Miary Odległości (GDM)    50
  Artur Mikulec: Funkcja hazardu i jej znaczenie w nieparametrycznej analizie trwania przedsiębiorstw w województwie łódzkim    59
  Renato Rossetti: Prognozowanie sprzedaży gier konsolowych na rynek włoski    76