The Hasmoneans and their State. A Study in History, Ideology, and the Institutions

The Hasmoneans and their State. A Study in History, Ideology, and the Institutions

Electrum vol. 16

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The history of the Hasmoneans has long caused disputes among scholars, who are far from agreement about the chronology of events, their importance, and the identities of all their actors. There are no indications that such doubts will be resolved anytime soon. The aim of this study, therefore, is not to present a new reconstruction of Hasmonean history, but to describe the institutions of the state they created. This issue usually remains on the fringe of scholarly dispute and has not been closely investigated so far. Nor has an attempt been made at a synthetic presentation of how the Hasmonean state functioned in all its aspects. For this reason, it could not be explored to the full extent possible.

Rok wydania2009
Liczba stron232
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction    7
  Abbreviations    9
  Part I: Judea under the Hasmonaeans (167–63 BCE)    13
    1. Mattathias and Judah: In Defense of the Ancestors Religion    13
    2. Jonathan and Simon: A Strategy for Independence    42
    3. John Hyrcanus: Securing Independence and the Rise of Expansionist Policy    67
    4. Hasmonean Kings    84
  Part II: The Institutions of the Hasmonean State    105
    I: The Ruler    105
      1. The Royal Priesthood or the Priestly Monarchy    106
      2. The Priesthood    107
      3. The Kingship    112
      4. Succession    117
      5. The Royal Family    123
      6. The Court    126
      7. The Capital City    130
      8. The Palace and the Baris    132
      9. Propaganda and Self-Presentation    134
        A. Individual Propaganda    134
          a. Self-Presentation    134
          b. Coinage    136
        B. Dynastic Propaganda    138
    II. The State    147
      1. Local Administration    147
      2. Finances    152
      3. Army    159
  Part III: Society    167
    1. Judean Society during Hasmonean Rule    167
    2. The Hasmoneans and their Critics    173
    3. Social Attitudes Toward the Hasmoneans    183
  Conclusions    187
  Bibliography    190