Orbis Parthicus

Orbis Parthicus

Studies in Memory of Professor Józef Wolski. Electrum vol. 15

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Edward Dąbrowa




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On October 2, 2008, Professor Józef Wolski passed away at the age of 98. He was the senior among Polish historians of the ancient world, teacher, and master to many of them.

Professor Józef Wolski was an internationally recognized authority in the fi eld of history of the Parthian period of the ancient Iran. Through his researches conducted for over 60 years he achieved remarkable reputation and was held in high esteem.

In many aspects his researches were groundbreaking for the studies in history of the ancient Iran and Central Asia. His hypotheses and fi ndings signifi cantly infl uenced the scholarship and inspired many scholars, who followed and still follow in his footsteps.

In appreciation of Professor Wolski’s academic achievements I would like to dedicate this volume of studies concerning the Parthians in his memory.

Edward Dąbrowa

Rok wydania2009
Liczba stron272
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Abbreviations    7
  Introduction    9
  Josef Wiesehöfer, Nouruz in Persepolis? Eine Residenz, das Neujahrsfest und eine Theorie    11
  Jérôme Gaslain, A propos d’Arsace Ier    27
  Edward Dąbrowa , Mithradates I and the Beginning of the Ruler-cult in Parthia    41
  Carlo Lippolis, Notes on the Iranian Traditions in the Architecture of Parthian Nisa    53
  Roberta Menegazzi, La fi gura del cavaliere nella coroplastica di Seleucia al Tigri    67
  Federicomaria Muccioli, Il problema del culto del sovrano nella regalita arsacide: appunti per una discussione    83
  Gholamreza F. Assar, Some Important Seleucid and Parthian Dates in the Babylonian Goal-Year Texts    105
  Gholamreza F. Assar, Artabanus of Trogus Pompeius’ 41st Prologue    119
  Alberto M. Simonetta, The Coinage of the so-called Parthian “Dark Age” Revisited    141
  Gholamreza F. Assar, Some Remarks on the Chronology and Coinage of the Parthian “Dark Age”    195
  Giusto Traina , Note in margine alla battaglia di Carre    235
  Udo Hartmann, Ein Arsakide im Heer des Septimius Severus. Überlegungen zu den Hintergründen des zweiten Partherkrieges    249