Nauki o Finansach 4(25)

Nauki o Finansach 4(25)

1 opinia

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The notion of financial sciences covers quite a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. The most obvious are public finance, corporate finance, capital and money markets, banking and accountancy. Therefore, to make the structure more clear, we divided the contents of previous volumes of our journal into several parts with their own subtitles. However, more and more issues appeared that could not be attributed to any of these “classic” branches, like virtual money, personal finance, or interdisciplinary problems. We decided therefore to present the contents of this issue of Financial Sciences in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names. The reader will notice that most of the articles included in this volume go far beyond the standard classification. An obvious reason is that almost any human public activity has some financial aspects, and this is clearly reflected in all the articles published here.
It is my honour and pleasure to thank all the authors for their creative contribution to the contents of this volume, as well as the referees for their efforts to maintain the already acknowledged scientific level of our journal. I hope that the reading of the articles presented here will bring some interesting insights into the current state of the evolution of the financial sciences.
Ewa Bogacka-Kisiel

Rok wydania2015
Liczba stron137
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Preface    7
  Ilona Fałat-Kilijańska: How to strengthen the Polish venture capital market? An analysis of the solutions in selected countries / Jak wzmocnić polski rynek venture capital? Analiza przyjętych rozwiązań w wybranych krajach    9
  Veronika Fenyves, Ildiko Orbán, Zoltán Bács, Elvira Böcskei: Representation of the going concern concept in the financial statements / Prezentacja going concern concept w sprawozdaniach finansowych    24
  Ewa Gubernat: The financial risk of local government units from the perspective of commercial banks / Ryzyko finansowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w ocenie banków komercyjnych    39
  Bartłomiej Jabłoński: Dividend policy from the perspective of an individual investor – results of the research / Polityka dywidend z perspektywy postaw inwestora indywidualnego – wyniki badań    51
  Yury Y. Karaleu: Ubezpieczenie pracowników przed bankructwem pracodawcy / Insurance for handling employee entitlements in the event of employer insolvency (bankruptcy)    77
  Marta Maciejasz-Świątkiewicz: Financial exclusion as a result of limited financial literacy in the context of the financialization process / Wykluczenie finansowe jako skutek ograniczonych umiejętności finansowych w kontekście procesu finansjalizacji    90
  Małgorzata Porada-Rochoń, Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska: Categorization of instruments used in turnaround processes under conditions of financial distress / Kategoryzacja instrumentarium wykorzystywanego w procesach dostosowawczych w warunkach zaburzeń finansowych    102
  Tomasz Skica, Agnieszka Bem, Karolina Daszyńska-Żygadło: Synthetic development measure of local administration size in Poland / Syntetyczny wskaźnik rozmiaru administracji lokalnej w Polsce    111
  Elżbieta Wrońska-Bukalska, Anna Wawryszuk-Misztal: Is a financial director a strategist or a steward? A comparative analysis of Poland, the US and China / Dyrektor finansowy – strateg czy administrator. Analiza porównawcza Polski, Stanów Zjednoczonych i Chin    122