This issue of Sociological Review commemorates the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the UN General Assembly of The Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989. It should be recalled that the beginnings of children’s studies and the sociology of childhood coincided in time with the introduction of this treaty, which established international standards for children’s protection and development. The Convention aims at safeguarding the youngest society members from different forms of abuse, exploitation and violence, as well as at promoting their rights to a decent standard of living and to broad social participation. The authors of the articles presented herein, representing the current sociological attitude towards children and youth, follow these assumptions. The articles thus mirror some important attributes of contemporary children’s studies – its cognitive multidimensionality, differentiated quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the shift from “research on children” to “research with children”, scholars’ interest in the results of comparative studies (especially the results of natural sciences), and the concern about the practical implementation of research outcomes. The main topics tackled in this collection of texts are children’s poverty and social inequalities rooted in the first phase of their life cycle, suffering and various risks experienced by children and teenagers, framed in both the national and international contexts, as well as children’s quality of life, youngsters’ well-being, youth participation, civic engagement and the new concept of investing in children. Children, considered as equal social actors and citizens – although still most vulnerable to abuse, discrimination and social exclusion – are presented in the framework of their complicated networks of relationships with peers, adults, collectivities and societies, the welfare state, social policy institutions and other organizations, with the notion to important factors decisive for their present life and their future.

Rok wydania2015
Liczba stron164
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaŁódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Editorial .....................................    7
  Wielisława Warzywoda-Kruszyńska
  “Investing in Children”: a dominant discourse on childhood and children in 21st century.........    9
  „Inwestowanie w dzieci” – dyskurs o dzieciach i dzieciństwie dominujący w XXI wieku.
  Dagmar Kutsar
  From poverty to wellbeing: Children as subjects of sociological research and emerging agents on the policy arena in Estonia .....................    27
  Od ubóstwa do jakości życia: dzieci jako podmiot w badaniach socjologicznych i na arenie politycznej Estonii.
  Marta Petelewicz
  The relationship between children’s quality of life and the socio-economic status of the family. The case of Lodz, Poland ....................    43
  Zależności pomiędzy jakością życia dzieci a statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym
  rodziny. Na przykładzie Łodzi.
  Anna Wrona, Agnieszka Małkowska-Szkutnik, Hanna Tomaszewska-Pękała
  Perceived support from parents, teachers and peers as a factor of early leaving
  from upper secondary schools in Poland .........    61
  Odczuwane wsparcie ze strony rodziców, nauczycieli i rówieśników a ryzyko przedwczesnego porzucania szkoły średniej w Polsce.
  Stella Strzemecka
  School integration in the eyes of migrant children. Based on the Polish migration to Norway ...............................................    81
  Integracja szkolna oczami dzieci migrantów. Na przykładzie polskiej migracji do Norwegii.
  Agnieszka Golczyńska-Grondas
  Underprivileged children in the social space of impunity: The example of the children’s residential care system in the Polish People’s Republic ....................................    103
  Dzieci ze środowisk defaworyzowanych w społecznej przestrzeni bezkarności: Na przykładzie systemu opieki całkowitej w Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej.
  Maria Woźniak
  Sexuality education in Polish schools ........    121
  Edukacja seksualna w praktyce polskich szkół.
  Haridhan Goswami
  Socio-demographic factors and participation of the European youth: a multilevel analysis .........    137
  Społeczno-ekonomiczne czynniki partycypacji młodzieży europejskiej: Analiza wielopoziomowa.
  BOOK Review
  Warner J. [2015], The Emotional Politics of Social Work and Child Protection, Bristol: Policy Press – rev. Magdalena Rek-Woźniak ..................    157