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Ebooki: Publikacje w języku angielskim

Znaleziono: 133 pozycji


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Quick growth of Chinese economy heralded a shift in the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific. In recent years China’s growing assertiveness, manifested by growing military presence in South China Sea, has been perceived as a major security... więcej >

Opis wydawniczy:Opracowanie zawiera analizę regulaminów szkół doktorskich w Polsce, której podjęli się doktoranci różnych polskich podmiotów kształcących doktorantów, w oparciu o aktualny stan pranwy. Opierała się ona na przygotowanym... więcej >

Prudential supervision of credit institutions in the European Union has for a long time been the responsibility of national bodies, even though this did not match the international character of the activities of many supervised banks. After the... więcej >

Innovation and sustainable development have become buzzwords in the 21st century with the idea of creative destruction launched by Joseph Alois Schumpeter being the base for evolutionary economics. However, new institutional economics helps to... więcej >

This monograph is an outcome of research completed within the Visegrad Grant “Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia” – WhistlePro (2020–2021), financed from the International Visegrad Fund. The project... więcej >

Diversity and multiculturalism have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Facets of Managing in Cross-Cultural Diversity is a timely publication critically exploring the phenomenon of managing in cross-cultural diversity. This book offers... więcej >

The subject of the monograph deals with various strategies used by advanced non-native Polish advanced learners of English while indicating word stress and its position withi mulitiple syllable English words.The first chapter is entirely devoted to... więcej >

This e-book aims to present the most critical aspects of knowledge about using experiments in economics and practical tools for using them. The topic is extended to the more advanced and increasing in popularity area of biometric research. The book... więcej >

Monografia stanowi próbę wypełnienia luki w wiedzy na temat niesłyszących piłkarek i piłkarzy nożnych. W monografii autor przedstawił zarys rozwoju sportu osób niesłyszących, w tym piłki nożnej niesłyszących. Autor zajął się... więcej >

Książka jest wynikiem wielu lat analiz i doświadczeń. Po licznych pobytach w Jemenie autorka zauważyła potrzebę opisania dialektu środkowego Jemenu, zwracając uwagę na brak lub niedostateczny opis regionu. Nie chciała zajmować się... więcej >

Systematic research and comprehensive analyses allow to monitor the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Obviously, when you are interested in the selected issue of sustainable development, it is worth using data from the secondary... więcej >

The aim of this book is to present the most important issues related to sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are discussed from a macro and micro perspective, both in the form of theoretical foundations of... więcej >

Znaleziono: 133 pozycji


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