Food and Drink in the Household of English Nobility in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Procurement - Preperation - Service and Consumption


Food and Drink in the Household of English Nobility in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Procurement - Preperation - Service and Consumption

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Praca poświęcona jest diecie i potrawom spożywanym przez szlachtę angielską na przełomie średniowiecza i czasów nowożytnych. Opisano w niej charakter społeczeństwa angielskiego w XV i XVI wieku, rezydencje szlacheckie i organizację ich dworów, a także sposób żywienia, zasady stosowane przy układaniu diety oraz obowiązujące podczas uroczystych uczt w rezydencjach szlacheckich.

Rok wydania2012
Liczba stron518
KategoriaHistoria społeczna
WydawcaUniwersytet Pedagogiczny Kraków
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  List of Illustrations    9
  Acknowledgements    11
  Introduction    13
  Chapter I. English Society in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries    35
  1.1. The Household Structure    36
  1.2. English Society in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods    36
  1.3. Views on Medieval Society    38
  1.4. Nobilitas Major    41
  1.5. Nobilitas Minor    46
  1.6. Gentility and Service    50
  1.7. Livery and Maintenance    53
  1.8. Social Changes    56
  1.9. Noble Education    59
  1.10. Etiquette and Manners    64
  Chapter II. The Houses of Nobilitas Major and Nobilitas Minor    72
  2.1. Medieval Residences    72
  2.2. Architectural Changes    77
  2.2.1. Stokesay Castle    78
  2.2.2. Bodiam Castle    79
  2.2.3. Tattershall Castle    81
  2.2.4. Wingfield Manor    81
  2.2.5. Great Chalfield Manor    82
  2.2.6. Gainsborough Old Hall    83
  2.2.7. Thornbury Castle    85
  2.3. Italian Renaissance Influences    86
  2.4. New Style Residences    87
  2.5. The Great Hall    89
  2.6. Great Hall Furnishings    93
  2.7. Towards More Privacy    97
  2.8. The Kitchen    100
  2.9. The Lodgings    104
  2.10. The Banqueting House    105
  2.11. The Garden    108
  2.12. The Orchard    112
  Chapter III. The Household Organisation    114
  3.1. Household Size    114
  3.2. Household Members    117
  3.3. Chief Household Officers    120
  3.4. Household Demesne Supplies    125
  3.5. Food Purchase    128
  3.5.1. Sir Thomas Paget’s Household    128
  3.5.2. Lady Alice de Bryene’s Household    129
  3.5.3. Sir Edward Don’s Household    130
  3.5.4. Sir William Petre’s Household    133
  3.5.5. The Willoughby Household’s Meat Provisioning    135
  3.5.6. Henry Algernon Percy’s Household    136
  3.6. Purchase of Cloth    137
  3.7. Time-Based System of Purchasing    138
  3.8. Storage of Supplies    139
  3.8.1. The Garner    139
  3.8.2. The Cellar    139
  3.8.3. The Buttery    140
  3.8.4. The Pantry    141
  3.8.5. The Larder    142
  3.9. The Office of the Kitchen    143
  3.9.1. Kitchen-Related Offices    143
  3.9.2. Kitchen Staff    146
  3.9.3. Kitchen Furnishings    149
  3.9.4. Kitchen Utensils    150
  3.10. Brewing and Baking    155
  3.10.1. The Brewhouse    156
  3.10.2. The Bakehouse    158
  Chapter IV. Household Books and Records. Dietary and Cookery Books    161
  4.1. Sources    162
  4.2. Types of Household Accounts    163
  4.3. Rationale for Keeping Accounts    164
  4.4. Other Household Documents    166
  4.5. Content of Account Books    166
  4.5.1. Household Accounts of Dame Alice de Bryene    169
  4.5.2. Household Accounts of Sir Thomas Paget    171
  4.5.3. Household Accounts of Sir Edward Don    173
  4.5.4. Household Accounts of Sir William Petre    176
  4.5.5. Household Accounts of Robert Dudley    178
  4.5.6. Household Accounts of Sir William Cecil    181
  4.5.7. Household Accounts of Richard Bertie and Duchess of Suffolk    182
  4.6. Cookery Books    185
  4.7. Books of Secrets and the Books on Husbandry    195
  4.8. Herbals    196
  Chapter V. The Food of English Noblemen    198
  5.1. Bread    199
  5.2. Pottage    207
  5.3. Sauces    211
  5.4. Meat    214
  5.5. Fowl    227
  5.6. Fish    233
  5.7. Dairy Produce    239
  5.8. Spices    243
  5.9. Vegetables and Fruit    254
  Chapter VI. The Beverages of English Noblemen    261
  6.1. Water    262
  6.2. Milk    263
  6.3. Ale and Beer    266
  6.4. Wine    274
  6.5. Distillates    287
  6.6. Cider    293
  6.7. Mead    295
  Chapter VII. The Theoretical Bases for Food and Cookery    298
  7.1. The Theory of Humours    299
  7.1.1. The Humours    302
  7.1.2. Temperaments    304
  7.2. Healthy Eating    308
  7.3. Dietary Literature    313
  7.4. Religious Strictures    318
  7.5. Feasts    324
  7.6. The Humoral Balance of Dishes; Recipe Analysis    329
  7.6.1. Roasted Salmon in Sauce    330
  7.6.2. Tench in Sauce    331
  7.6.3. Frumenty with Venison    333
  7.6.4. Mawmeny    334
  7.6.5. Crustarde    335
  7.6.6. Chicken Endored    336
  7.6.7. Baked Quinces    337
  7.6.8. Roasted Venison    338
  7.6.9. Roasted Crane    339
  7.6.10. Hippocras    340
  Chapter VIII. Eating in the Great Hall    342
  8.1. Feast Planning    343
  8.2. Food Ritual    344
  8.3. Great Hall Organisation    346
  8.4. The Great Hall Preparation    348
  8.5. Rituals in the Great Hall    356
  8.6. The Serving Order of Dishes    363
  8.7. The Subtleties    366
  8.8. Voiding the Tables    368
  8.9. Banquetting Stuffe    369
  8.10. Entertainment at Feasts    374
  8.11. Table Manners    375
  Conclusion    382
  Bibliography    390
  Appendix 1 The Household Accounts Used    421
  Appendix 2 Weights and Measures    427
  Appendix 3 Selected Humoral Qualities    432
  Appendix 4 A Glossary of Medieval and Renaissance Household Terms    440
  Appendix 5 A Glossary of Medieval and Renaissance Culinary Terms    452
  Appendix 6 Selected Menus    475
  Index    496