Performance Measurement and Management

Performance Measurement and Management

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Performance measurement and management is nowadays a very serious challenge for both academics and practitioners. The scope of research conducted in this area is very large especially from the point of view of the research subject. The concept of performance measurement and management covers many aspects related to the identification of success factors, monitoring, measurement and valuation. The set of instruments used under the framework of this concept is also very large and still discussed in the literature. All the tools adopted to support the achievement of operational and strategic goals should be designed taking into account contingency factors and adjusted to the needs of a particular entity.

In the present volume of the Research Papers, the authors elaborate on selected topics of performance measurement and management, important for both theoretical considerations and practical applications. The major objective of this study is to discuss contemporary problems of performance measurement and management. There are four major types of the issues described in the study:
1) cost measurement and management instruments, such as life cycle costing and activity-based costing;
2) strategic management accounting and business planning;
3) approaches to measurement and evaluation of various projects, in particular, research projects and IR projects;
4) valuation and reporting methods and techniques.

The papers in the book were prepared for the 17th Scientific Conference “Accounting and Controllership”. The conference was organized by the Department of Cost and Management Accounting at Wrocław University of Economics on October 15-17, 2012.

Rok wydania2012
Liczba stron97
KategoriaRachunkowość i controlling
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Preface     7
  Michał Biernacki: Environmental Life Cycle Costing as a tool of cost management     9
  Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Michał Flieger: Multi-criteria evaluation methods in effective ICT projects implementation     20
  Agata Klaus-Rosińska, Radosław Ryńca: Activity-based costing in university library services     30
  Alina Kozarkiewicz, Monika Łada: Strategic management accounting for projects – from cost to value     41
  Bartłomiej Nita: Real option approach to equity valuation     53
  Edward Nowak: The management’s report in the light of the international and national regulations on financial reporting     64
  Patrick Siegfried: Strategic business planning in young small and medium enterprises     75
  Radosław Ryńca, Dorota Kuchta: Identification of factors influencing the evaluation of the research projects in higher education institutions by project executors and university management     85
  Michał Biernacki: Rachunek kosztów ELCC jako element zarządzania kosztami     18
  Iwona Chomiak-Orsa, Michał Flieger: Wielokryterialne metody oceny projektów w obszarze realizacji przedsięwzięć ICT     29
  Agata Klaus-Rosińska, Radosław Ryńca: Rachunek kosztów działań w usługach bibliotek szkół wyższych     40
  Alina Kozarkiewicz, Monika Łada: Strategiczna rachunkowość zarządcza projektów – od kosztów do wartości     52
  Bartłomiej Nita: Podejście opcji realnych do wyceny kapitału własnego przedsiębiorstwa     63
  Edward Nowak: Raport zarządu w świetle międzynarodowych i krajowych regulacji sprawozdawczości finansowej     74
  Patrick Siegfried: Strategiczny biznesplan w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach     84
  Radosław Ryńca, Dorota Kuchta: Identyfikacja czynników mających wpływ na ocenę projektów badawczych realizowanych w szkole wyższej dokonywaną przez wykonawców projektu oraz kierownictwo uczelni     97