The Impact of COVID-19 on Accounting, Business Practice and Education

The Impact of COVID-19 on Accounting, Business Practice and Education

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Książka prezentuje wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na rachunkowość, działalność gospodarczą oraz edukację. W poszczególnych rozdziałach przedstawiane są doświadczenia płynące z wielu krajów (w tym z Brazylii, Francji, Niemiec, Kazachstanu, Polski, Rumunii, Słowacji oraz Włoch) na temat sposobów radzenia sobie ze skutkami pandemii. Książka omawia rządowe, instytucjonalne oraz indywidualne środki, które zostały podjęte w celu przeciwdziałania finansowym, organizacyjnym i społecznym implikacjom kryzysu pandemicznego.

Rok wydania2021
Liczba stron196
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Preface (Joanna Dyczkowska)    11
  1. The impact of COVID-19 on accounting practice, research and education environment in the Slovak Republic (Daša Mokošová, Miriama Blahušiaková)    17
    1.1. The economic environment in the Slovak Republic    17
    1.2. The impact of COVID-19 on accounting practice in the Slovak Republic    18
    1.3. The impact of COVID-19 on research in the Slovak Republic    22
    1.4. The impact of COVID-19 on accounting education in the Slovak Republic    23
  2. Determining the influence of COVID-19-related measures and their latencies on the DAX using ARIMAX and LSTM (Stephan Schneider, Alisa Voss) 30
    2.1. The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the economy and stock prices    30
    2.2. A review of the current studies on the consequences of COVID-19    31
    2.3. Research methodology used in examining the impact of the pandemic measures on the DAX    33
      2.3.1. Data    33
      2.3.2. Pre-processing    33
      2.3.3. Models    33
    2.4. Presentation of the research results    36
  3. The impairment of assets in public sector entities under the COVID-19 pandemic – the case of Romania (Ileana Cosmina Pitulice, Aurelia Ștefănescu) 41
    3.1. Discussion on harmonization between Romanian national accounting regulations and IPSAS in the context of the impairment of assets    41
    3.2. Presentation of the research methodology    44
    3.3. Discussion of the research results    45
  4. Information technologies and their influences on management control systems in the times of COVID-19 pandemic (Tomasz Dyczkowski, Joanna Dyczkowska) 52
    4.1. Information technologies, management control and the ‘game-changer’    52
    4.2. The theoretical view on the role of ICT in modern companies    53
    4.3. The research on ICT and MCS in Poland    56
    4.4. Scope of ICT support to organisations at the dawn of the pandemic    58
    4.5. Changes in ICT and MCS during the COVID-19 pandemic    60
    4.6. General relations between ICT and MCS    62
    4.7. The context of relations between ICT and MCS influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic    64
    4.8. Information technologies, management control and COVID-19 – the ‘lesson learnt’    69
  5. The impact of the pandemic on the missions of management controllers: A case study (Ali Yilmaz)     75
    5.1. The COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of the management controller in a crisis    75
    5.2. Management control and its challenges    76
    5.3. Adaptation to a crisis    78
    5.4. Research methodology applied in the study    80
    5.5. Presentation of the research results    82
      5.5.1. Personal measures    82
      5.5.2. Official measures    83
      5.5.3. Key measures    84
      5.5.4. Systems in place    85
    5.6. Discussion on the research results    87
  6. COVID-19: Online education, business and data (Ricardo Luiz Sichel, Gabriel Ralile Figueiredo Magalhães)    91
    6.1. The development of new technologies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic    91
    6.2. Impact of the pandemic on society and the digital state    92
      6.2.1. Business sector    94
      6.2.2. Education    96
    6.3. The General Data Protection Law and the new reality    97
  7. Moving to blended learning in the post-pandemic era (Hans-Christian Brauweiler, Aida Yerimpasheva) 104
    7.1. Online learning in the Kazakhstani educational system    104
    7.2. Literature review on the pandemic impact on the learning process in educational institutions    105
    7.3. Methodology of research    109
    7.4. Presentation of the research findings on the use of digital technologies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University    109
    7.5. Discussion and conclusion    114
  8. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accounting education: Perception of distance learning (Marta Nowak) 121
    8.1. COVID-19 and distance learning    121
    8.2. General impression of distance learning    123
    8.3. Advantages of distance learning    125
    8.4. Disadvantages of distance learning    128
    8.5. Conclusion    132
  9. The pandemic and the adjustments in education: On-line studies in Commercial Law in the administration course (Debora Lacs Sichel, Edifrance Fernandes Nascimento de Souza) 135
    9.1. Universities in the face of COVID-19 pandemic    135
    9.2. UFRRJ and CEDERJ    136
    9.3. The Administration Course    137
      9.3.1. Formulating the didactic material    138
      9.3.2. Performance evaluations    138
    9.4. The study of Commercial Law and the changes due to the pandemic    139
    9.5. Education success    139
    9.6. Conclusion    142
  10. Synchronous and asynchronous approaches in accounting education: A qualitative overview of their benefits, drawbacks and challenges (Edoardo Crocco, Francesca Culasso)    143
    10.1. Introduction to asynchronous learning    143
    10.2. The challenges of asynchronous learning in accounting education    145
    10.3. The asynchronous learning testimonial of postgraduate accounting students    147
    10.4. What to expect from the future of synchronous and asynchronous learning    151
  11. Online-only learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: the students’ perspective (Joanna Krasodomska, Ewelina Zarzycka, Anna Mazurczak-Mąka, Monika Turek-Radwan)    154
    11.1. The COVID-19 pandemic and online learning    154
    11.2. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the higher education sector    155
    11.3. Literature review and research questions    156
    11.4. The aim of research and data collection    158
    11.5. Research results    158
    11.6. Conclusions    163
  Conclusion (Joanna Dyczkowska)    168
  List of figures    171
  List of tables    172