Theory of tourism and tourism management

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This book is the first one in the world which contains anatomy of the whole tourism phenomen - a basic as well as managerial. It contains cultivating touring, organization touring, rendering services and creating material base for tourism, as well as four functionally different managerial phenomena.
This dissertation shows which elements of tourism reality decide about existence of all above mentioned tourism phenomena. In this book tourism reality's phenomena are seen from many sides: as processes, as defined elements of the tourism reality, as showing the essence of culture or artistry of tourism management, as well as the world of definitions showing the essence of the results in every element of tourism phenomena.
The main subject of dr. Tadeusz Chudoba educational activity has been anatomy of tourism phenomena, tourism marketing and tourism management. Currently he works in College of Tourism and Foreign Languages, but also in Tourism and Recreation Institute within Warsaw Marie Curie University. Living in Sweden he was lecturer in tourism marketing. He had guest lectures in four universities in the USA; Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, East Lansing and Logan as well as in Lillehammer in Norway and in Breda in the Netherlands. The Author of this book has been working as a lecturer or researcher in Tourism Institute and in several other schools of higher education since 1967. The author would appreciate your opinion about the book. If you would like to express your remarks regarding the publication or establish scientific relations please write to dr. Tadeusz Chudoba by e-mail at

Rok wydania2010
Liczba stron226
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści


Chapter 1. Introductory problems            15
1.1. Introduction            15
1.2. Determination of the objective of this work    16
1.3. Need for a tourism reality theory       16
1.4. Specificity of tourism management    17
1.5. Usefulness of the different management options in tourism management          18

1.6. Literature    20
1.7. Constructional assumptions  20





Chapter 2
Forming a basic formation of the tourism reality  25
2.1. Forming a model of tourism reality  25
2.1.1. Definitions of the terms ?system? and ?tourism reality?        25
2.1.2. Systematization of the basic tourism reality phenomena        27
2.1.3. Forming the terms creating the basic coupling formation      30


Chapter 3
Tourism reality in the shape of two formations      37
3.1. Components of the tourism reality as two formations              37
3.2. Definitions of the tourism reality as two formations    40


Chapter 4
Tourism reality as two subsystems: tourism and tourism management        45
4.1. Creating formations             45
4.2. Formulating the definitions of the above-mentioned subsystem            48


Chapter 5
Tourism in the form of two subsystems    59
5.1. Creating subsystems: tourist movement and tourist movement service  59

5.2. Formulating definitions of the tourist movement and tourist movement service             62


Chapter 6
Conclusive results of a reductive description of the basic tourism phenomena          69

6.1. Forming the four subsystems of tourism        69
a) Creating formations of cultivating touring and organization touring        69
b) Creating formations of direct and indirect tourism service          71
6.2. Formulating definitions of the four basic tourism phenomena              75
a) Definitions of cultivating touring         75
b) Definitions of organization touring      83
c) Definitions of direct tourism service     87
d) Definitions of indirect tourism service              91
e) Model of tourism as four subsystems joined together     94


Chapter 7
Separating subsystems directing and steering tourism         97
7.1. Separating the basic kinds of tourism management      97
7.2. Creating formations of tourism management  99
7.2.1. Main requirements necessary for the functioning of the social formation of tourism management        99

7.2.2. Character of relations which occur in tourism management between the elements of social formations             101
7.2.3 Defining the means of managerial activity    103
7.3. Definitions of the tourism management subsystems    103


Chapter 8
Separating four subsystems of tourism managment            109
8.1. Lower level tourism management      109
8.2. Middle level tourism management     114
8.3. Strategic management in tourism       117
8.4. State-controlled tourism management            122
8.5. Characteristics of the specificities and cognitive values of the previously distinguished groups of definitions       126

8.5.1. Differences in the character of the formulated definitions     126
8.5.2. Structure of the definitions drawings         127
8.5.3. Cognitive values of the formulated definitions         128
8.5.4. Institutions managing touring         128
8.6. Four directions of tourism management as one system            129
8.7. Direct results of this work     129


Chapter 9
Tourism reality in the light of the general tourism theory  131
9.1. Different degrees of the generality and minuteness when viewing the phenomena of the tourism reality              131

9.2. Value of the tourism reality seen from the different degree of totality versus minuteness           132
9.2.1. Tourism reality as one organizational-functional system       132
9.2.2. Tourism reality as a complex of two subsystems ? tourism and tourism management  133
9.2.3. Tourism reality as consisting of two basic and two managerial subsystems     134
9.2.4. Tourism reality as a complex of eight subsystems ? four basic tourism activities and four basic directions of tourism management       134
9.3. Different faces of the world of the tourism reality phenomena             135
9.3.1. Values of the structural point of view         135
9.3.2. Anatomy of the tourism system phenomena             135
9.3.3. Functional point of view    136
9.4. Components of the world of the tourism reality          137
9.5. Functional typology of the elements of the tourism reality       137
9.6. Basic types of the tourism system phenomena             138
9.7. Internal structure of the tourism reality phenomena     139





Chapter 10
Forming the organizational structure of the tourism management system     143

10.1. Current developing stage of the tourism managerial structure             143
10.2. Basis of the specifics of the regional structures of POT          144
10.3. Typology of the route organizational tourism structures         145
10.4. Regional structure of tourism service organization    145
10.5. Autonomous aims of the regional tourism organizations        146
10.6. Probable expected results from the fact of the existence of a regional tourism organizational structure  146
10.7. Existence of organizational culture in an organization within a tourism structure         146


Chapter 11
Needs and motives of cultivating touring as the bisis for drafting the social aims of tourism management      149

11.1. Needs, wants and motives  149
11.2. Needs and conditions for fulfilling tourists needs      152
11.3. Basis for typology of the main components of a complementary tourism market         153


Chapter 12
Social aims of tourism management         155
12.1 Place of the idea of forming and functioning of the complementary tourism market in the substantiation of the social aims
of tourism management       156
12.2. Notion of the complementary tourism market           156
12.3. Relativity of the notion of the complementary tourism market           158
12.4. Aim or complex of basic aims of the tourism management    159
12.5. Secondary aims of tourism management       161
12.6. Managerial aims directed towards means or resources            161


Chapter 13
Conditions for the effective and efficient running of the managerial process            163

13.1. Introduction           163
13.2. Basics for the consideration of tourism management             163


Chapter 14
Tourism and tourism management            165
14.1. Introduction           165
14.2. Substantiation of the degree of meaning of directions of tourism management            166

14.3. Subject of tourism management      167


Chapter 15
Higher level tourism mangement             169
15.1. Basic directions of strategic tourism management     169
15.2. One or many aims of strategic tourism management              169
15.3. Strategy of forming a complementary tourism market           170
15.4. Definition of the premises for formulating strategic plans for forming a complementary tourism market           171

15.5. Strategic management to form demand for attendance in tourist excursions     172
15.6. Cadre strategic management            173
15.6.1. Basis for a rational cadre policy    174
15.6.2. Different methods to obtain the necessary cadre     174
15.7. Strategic management in services     175
15.8. Strategies creating conditions for functioning of a complementary tourism market      175
15.9. Place of strategic control in tourism management      176
15.10. Strategic financial management    176


Chapter 16
State-controlled tourism management       177
16.1. Tourism development supported by the highest state and government institutions        177

16.2. Policy of the state or self-government administrative bodies  178


Chapter 17
Middle level tourism managment             179
17.1. Harmonisation of functionality of a local complementary tourism market       179

17.2. Supporting the activity directed towards the growth of the assortment and quality of the services provided        180
17.3. Activities supporting the efficient and effective process of harmonization of a functioning of a complementary tourism market  180


Chapter 18
Lower level tourism management             181
18.1. Specifics of lower level management           181
18.2. Lower level tourism management in providing services         182
18.3. Structure of the process of providing services           182
18.4. Core product of the basic kinds of services  183
18.5. Services connected with business journeys    184
18.6. Lower level management with reference to travel agency companies  184


Chapter 19
Summarising the results of the considerations       187
Introduction       192


Chapter 20
Model of knowledge about the tourism system, the base for builing a thesaurus of the tourism data bank       193

20.1. Need for knowledge about the tourism system phenomena     193
20.2. Notion of knowledge about the tourism system as the basis for building a thesaurus of the tourism data bank    193
20.3. Assumptions laying the foundations for constructing a thesaurus of the tourism data bank system         194
20.4. Knowledge about cultivating touring           195
20.5. Knowledge about touring organization         196
20.6. Knowledge about direct tourism service       197
20.7. Knowledge about indirect tourism service    197
20.8. Knowledge about lower level tourism management  197
20.9. Knowledge about middle level tourism management             198
20.10. Knowledge about higher level tourism management            198
20.11. Knowledge about state level tourism management  198
20.12. Summarising       199


Chapter 21
Method of identifying the main scientific disciplines for tourism system     201
21.1. Introduction           201
21.2. Two points of view regarding the meaning of sciences connected with the tourism system knowledge  201

21.3. Science or knowledge about tourism basic phenomena          202
21.4. Disciplines connected with tourism management       204


Chapter 22
Qualification model of the managerial cadre in tourism     205
22.1. Basic components of the model of cadre qualifications          205
22.2. Place of cadre typology in research of the level of qualification         206
22.3. Place of personality values in the model of the cadre qualification      207
22.4. Knowledge about lower level tourism management  207
22.5. Knowledge about higher managerial levels of the tourism reality       208
22.6. Specialist knowledge about tourism management      208
22.7. Model of the lower level tourism management cadre             209
22.8. Cadres of indirect tourism leading  210
22.9. Model of the cadre qualification of strategic tourism management      210
22.10. Model of the cadre qualification of oblique tourism management     211


Chapter 23
Necessary research directions and the method of identifying the tourism potential    213

23.1. Specific versions of forming tourist regional physical plans  213




