International Business in the Global World

International Business in the Global World

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In the 21st century, globalisation processes and the accompanying liberalisation of the flow of factors of production, information and ideas, driven by the development of technological innovations and information technologies, have become an inherent part of the international business (IB) catalogue, and recognised as major forces behind modern escalation and dynamization of the activities pursued by international enterprises in various regions of the global economy. Understanding of the complex nature of international business pursued in a given region requires detailed studies and analyses of the models and connections characteristic of each of the above phenomena (domains). At the same time, concluding transactions in international business requires in-depth local market research in order to examine the local business environment, become familiar with various determinants that may apply, and choose the proper form of activity allowing for all limitations. Such requirements associate macroeconomic issues with microeconomic ones, which are reflected in this handbook. By integrating several disciplines of science (international management, international marketing, international logistics, international finance) associated with the core activities of international business, the authors wanted to present a comprehensive elucidation of the whole spectrum of problems and challenges faced by modern managers who conduct their activities on international markets. For the purpose of satisfying these requirements, the authors applied a specific structure of the handbook, composed of eight chapters related to each other in terms of logic and subject matter.

Rok wydania2018
Liczba stron362
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction    11
  Chapter 1 15
  International Business and Related Fields of Study 15
    1.1. Evolution of International Business as a field of study in the age of economic globalisation    16
      1.1.1. Introduction    16
      1.1.2. The nature and the definition of International Business    17
      1.1.3. Evolution and trends of research in the field of International Business
      1.1.4. New research problems in the field of International Business – challenges for the 21st century    23
    1.2. Globalisation processes and their impact on International Business    30
      1.2.1. The concept of globalisation – evolution, properties, main actors    30
      1.2.2. Liberalisation as a precondition for the development of globalisation    32
      1.2.3. Innovation as a prime mover in globalisation development    35
      1.2.4. Other factors that impact the development of globalisation    39
      1.2.5. The effects of globalisation – in general terms and in relation to IB    41
    1.3. Regionalisation and International Business    45
      1.3.1. Regionalisation and its rationale    45
      1.3.2. The effects of regionalisation    48
      1.3.3. The world’s regional integration groupings    50
  Chapter 2 53
  Enterprise in International Business 53
    2.1. The internationalisation process    54
    2.2. Transnational corporations and their role in the globalisation process    55
      2.2.1. The classification of international enterprises    55
      2.2.2. The history of TNCs    59
      2.2.3. The development of corporations    60
      2.2.4. The drivers of internationalisation    61
      2.2.5. The strategies of internationalisation    63
      2.2.6. Forms of foreign expansion    65
      2.2.7. Foreign Direct Investment    68
      2.2.8. Mergers and Acquisitions in International Business    71
      2.2.9. Forms of TNC cooperation on the global market    75
    2.3. Network connections between companies in the global economy    78
      2.3.1. Virtual enterprises    78
      2.3.2. Clusters as a form of cooperation between companies    84
    2.4. Small and medium-sized companies in International Business    89
      2.4.1. SME definition criteria    90
      2.4.2. Forms of internationalisation adopted in the SME sector    93
      2.4.3. Determinants and barriers to internationalisation in the SME sector    95
      2.4.4. Innovative potential of small and medium-sized companies    98
  Chapter 3 103
  International Business Management 103
    3.1. Theoretical fundaments of international management    104
    3.2. International management    107
    3.3. Supply chain    112
    3.4. International logistics    113
    3.5. Selected modern methods of management    116
      3.5.1. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)    116
      3.5.2. Benchmarking    118
      3.5.3. Lean Management    119
      3.5.4. Kaizen    120
      3.5.5. Time Based Management    122
      3.5.6. Just in Time    122
      3.5.7. Total Quality Management    124
      3.5.8. Knowledge Management    126
    3.6. The role of the manager in International Business    127
  Chapter 4 131
  International Marketing 131
    4.1. The role of international marketing    132
      4.1.1. The essence and scope of international marketing    132
      4.1.2. Concepts of international marketing    133
    4.2. International environment of the enterprise    136
      4.2.1. The role and importance of the international environment    136
      4.2.2. Elements of foreign external environment    137
    4.3. Evaluation of opportunities in the international market    148
      4.3.1. Problems of foreign market research    148
      4.3.2. Identification and analysis of market opportunities    150
      4.3.3. Segmentation of foreign markets    152
    4.4. The use of marketing instruments on the international market    157
      4.4.1. International product offering    157
      4.4.2. Pricing policies on international markets    162
      4.4.3. International channels of distribution    167
      4.4.4. Communication in international marketing    173
  Chapter 5 189
  International Business Finance    189
    5.1. Concept of international corporate financing    190
    5.2. Exchange rate and its formation    191
      5.2.1. Concept and functions of the exchange rate    191
      5.2.2. Classification of exchange rates    192
      5.2.3. Exchange rate regimes – typology and problem of choice    193
      5.2.4. Equilibrium on the foreign exchange market    199
      5.2.5. Economic and non-economic factors influencing the exchange rate    200
      5.2.6. Consequences of changes in exchange rate for International Business    204
    5.3. Role of foreign exchange market in International Business    206
      5.3.1. Introduction to foreign exchange (forex) market    206
      5.3.2. Transactions in forex market    208
      5.3.3. Quotations in forex market    208
    5.4. Technical aspects of foreign exchange transactions    210
    5.5. Finance management in International Business    210
      5.5.1. International capital management    210
      5.5.2. Long-term financing of business in international financial markets    211
      5.5.3. Short-term financing of business in international financial markets    212
      5.5.4. Exchange risk management    213
  Chapter 6 217
  Contract as a Tool of International Business 217
    6.1. Introduction    218
    6.2. The transaction cycle in foreign trade    221
    6.3. The concept of contract    223
    6.4. Standard forms and general contractual conditions    226
    6.5. Contractual clause    228
      6.5.1. Formal and structuring clauses    228
      6.5.2. Principal (fundamental) clauses    230
      6.5.3. Supplementary clauses    235
    6.6. Breach of contractual obligations    242
  Chapter 7 247
  International Settlements 247
    7.1. Basic regulations of Polish foreign exchange law    248
    7.2. Documents determining payment and their characteristics    250
      7.2.1. Financial documents    252
      7.2.2. Commercial documents    257
      7.2.3. Transportation documents    258
      7.2.4. Insurance documents    263
      7.2.5. Supporting documents    265
    7.3. Methods of payment in international trade    266
    7.4. Rules for selecting the method of payment for the base price (Incoterms)    271
    7.5. Factoring and forfaiting in foreign trade    277
  Chapter 8 281
  Phenomena in International Business 281
    8.1. Migrations in International Business    282
      8.1.1. Concept, types and causes of migration    282
      8.1.2. Contemporary directions of migration    284
      8.1.3. Migration as a challenge for International Business    286
      8.1.4. Summary    292
    8.2. Multiculturalism in International Business    293
      8.2.1. The idea of multiculturalism    293
      8.2.2. Multiculturalism – an international perspective    295
      8.2.3. Multicultural corporations    298
      8.2.4. Criticism of multiculturalism    301
      8.2.5. Summary    303
    8.3. The changing consumption model    304
      8.3.1. Definition and factors shaping the consumption model    304
      8.3.2. The premise for changes in the consumption model    306
      8.3.3. Characteristics of the most important trends in world consumption    309
      8.3.4. Challenges for International Business    315
      8.3.5. Summary    318
    8.4. Corruption as a challenge for International Business    318
      8.4.1. Corruption – definitions, sources and types    318
      8.4.2. Corrupt behaviour in International Business    322
      8.4.3. Challenges for International Business in the field of corruption    326
    8.5. Diversification of environmental standards and activities of international companies    329
  Bibliography    341
  List of Figures    361
  List of Tables    362