The World in Economic Crisis


The World in Economic Crisis

Remarks from the SYLFF Community

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The economic crisis initiated by the collapse of Lehman Brothers turned out stronger and broader than anyone expected. From banking and financial sectors in the U.S. it spread especially to Europe, and, to lesser extent, to Asia. Having in mind the meaning of the problem, Jagiellonian University SYLFF Fellows Association (JUSFA) decided to invite representatives of its counterparts from all around the world to a scientific conference Europe and the World in Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities. The conference became the main part of the 20lh anniversary of the SYLFF program at the Jagiellonian University. The celebrations took place in the Main Hall of Collegium Maius on September 7th, 2012. The main organizers of the event were the Nippon Foundation, the Tokyo Foundation, the Jagiellonian University SYLFF Steering Committee, and the Jagiellonian University SYLFF Fellows Association. Among honorable guests of the event were the representatives of the Tokyo Foundation and the Nippon Foundation with its President, Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, the son of Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa, the principal funder of SYLFF who signed the documents in 1992 thus initiating a very successful scholarship program for M.A. and PhD. students. Other guests included the authorities of the University, with Rector Wojciech Nowak and Vice-Rector Andrzej Mania the members of JU Steering Committee and SYLFF Fellows from Poland and different countries. Based on the presentations from the conference and discussions followed, eight SYLFF fellows from five countries (Hungary, Indonesia, Latvia, Portugal, and Poland), decided to prepare set of papers analyzing both national and multilateral dimensions of the economic crisis, including its social, political or cultural ramifications. Peer reviewed papers were published in this monograph, becoming a contribution to future academic discussion of the Marcin Grabowski, Pawel Laidler

Rok wydania2012
Liczba stron143
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Ilona Baumane-Vitolina    9
  Change Management Experience in the Baltic States     9
    Introduction     9
    Theoretical background of the research     10
    Research methodology     13
    Main findings     15
    Baltic managers from a Western perspective     18
    Conclusion and implementation for managers     23
      References     24
  João António Furtado Brito
  The Challenges of Economic Crisis in Portugal     25
    Introduction     25
    Economic growth, evolution of the Portuguese public accounts and outlook     26
    Memorandum of Understanding – the economic adjustment programme     36
      1. Fiscal sector     37
      2. Financial sector     38
      3. Labor market sector     38
      4. Competition and business environment sector     39
    Implementation of the economic adjustment programme     40
    Conclusion     41
      References     41
  Reny Fitriana Kaban
  The World in Economic Crisis: What Are the Causes and the Impact on Asia, Particularly Indonesia?     43
    Introduction     43
    The causes of economic crisis     44
      1. The global financial crisis in 2008     44
      2. The sovereign debt crisis of the euro area     45
      Causes of European Union debt crisis     47
    The European debt crisis: implications for Asia     48
      Impact of the crisis     49
      Public debt financing in Asia less at risk     49
      Systemic implications for macroeconomic coordination in Asia and the Pacific     52
    The Euro crisis and its impact on Indonesia’s economy     54
    Conclusion     55
      References     56
  Marcin Grabowski
  Monetary Integration in Europe and Asia and Economic Crises     57
    Optimum currency area     58
    European monetary union and convergence criteria     60
    Asian monetary integration?     67
    Conclusion     70
      References     72
  Loretta Huszák
  Holistic Approach and Intellectual Property     75
    1. Economic crises and intellectual property     75
    2. IP and economic growth     76
    3. How are IPRs structured?     79
    4. NIPOs adapting to changing realities: the holistic approach     84
    5. Copyright issues in the portfolio of national IP offices     85
    6. Increased attention to enforcement issues among the NIPOs     87
    7. Innovation support and NIPOs     90
    8. Conclusion: a holistic approach in the administration of IPRs     91
      References     92
  Sarojini Imran
  Opportunities and Challenges for Tourism between European and Southeast Asian Countries     95
    Introduction     95
    Tourism in Europe     97
    Economics in Southeast Countries     99
      Top Ten Country/Regional Sources of Visitors to ASEAN as of 30 June 2012     101
      ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2011–2015     104
    Analysis     104
    Conclusion     105
      References     106
  Paweł Laidler
  The Economic Crisis in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections: Challenges and Expectations     107
    References     123
  Csaba Mate Sarnyai, Tibor Pap
  The Role of Dynamic Democracy in the Formation of Europe-level Solidarity and Identity     127
    1. Introduction     127
      1.1. Preliminary comments on the context     127
      1.2. A theoretically-minded lead-in     128
      1.3. The role of subsystem structures in the social inclusion of economy     130
      1.4. The possible roles of ‘state’ and politics in the process of Europeanization     131
    2. Models of interpretation     133
      2.1. The social-theoretical basis of the policies aiming at mitigating inequities     133
      2.2. Interactions between subsystems of society     134
    3. Dynamic democracy     135
      3.1. Ideal types of representational politics in the 19th and 20th centuries     135
      3.2. Changing trends in political representation at the turn of the millennium     135
      3.3. The inactivity of the EU and representation     136
      3.4. How is efficient EU-representation possible in popular democracies?     137
    4. The mutual irritations of subsystems: interpenetration of specific policies....    138
    5. Summary     139
      References     140