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Praca porusza problemy wieloaspektowego pomiaru dokonań, a także zarządzania dokonaniami przedsiębiorstw. Zagadnienia te pojawiły się stosunkowo niedawno w literaturze dotyczącej rachunkowości. Ważne jest rozróżnienie obu pojęć, jako... więcej >

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Monografia dokumentująca nowatorską metodę wyznaczania polaryzacji gluonów w nukleonie oraz prezentująca uzyskane za jej pomocą wyniki w ramach doświadczenia COMPASS prowadzonego w CERN z udziałem Wydziału Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.... więcej >

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As the world has become increasingly globalized through trade, investment, migration and communication, interest in global inequality has grown. This interest reaches far beyond academia and has increased dramatically in recent years. Global... więcej >

The concept of performance measurement and management is nowadays very important and widely discussed not only in academic literature, but also in practice. In order for organizations to gain and sustain competitive advantage it is essential to... więcej >

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Performance measurement and management is nowadays a very serious challenge for both academics and practitioners. The scope of research conducted in this area is very large especially from the point of view of the research subject. The concept of... więcej >

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Performance measurement and management is still an important area of interest for both academics and practitioners. The scope of research in the field of performance measurement and management covers many issues related to the design of management... więcej >

The subject the articles in this issue of Research Papers (RP) are focused on concerns the measurability of social impact. The inspiration for such an approach to issues in the area of social responsibility was Directive 2014/95 /EU of the European... więcej >

Sustainable performance accounts for a critical issue for top management and operational managers facing the green and social transition. Accordingly, they require a clear roadmap indicating how to build ESG strategy, track and report on... więcej >

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