
Kolegium Europy Wschodniej

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If there is one phrase that is being repeated like a mantra in 2017, it is that “the world is upside down”. During public and private discussions from Warsaw to Prague, Berlin, Brussels, London and even Washington we see a growing sentiment that... więcej >

14,16 zł14,90 zł

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Dear Reader,It has become quite fashionable, and arguably correct, to dispute Francis Fukuyama’stheory that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought about the end of history.Anyone interested in Central and Eastern Europe understands that this... więcej >

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In this issue we explore the phenomenon of Revolutions which has played a key role in this region for centuries: revolutions. We specifically look at the question as to whether revolution in Ukraine has become a permanent feature of that country’s... więcej >

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Dear Reader,“The price of Europeanising the Balkans is much higher than the price of theBalkanisation of Europe,” claims Zagreb-based writer Miljenko Jergović in the openingessay to this issue. This poignant statement calls for wide attention,... więcej >

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Dear Reader,Central Asia is an ethnically, geographically and culturally diverse region, coveringa similar land mass as the European Union. Yet, it remains one of the least familiarto the general public in the West. An important region in its own... więcej >

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Dear Reader,In the eighth century BC Hesiod complained: “I see no hope for the future of ourpeople if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youthare reckless beyond words.” The poet’s words echoed throughout... więcej >

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Table of Contents Issue 1-2/2020 (January-March)OPINION & ANALYSISThe West Berlins of our timeAn interview with Brian WhitmoreThe end of the belle époquePaweł KowalA renewed strategic dialogue with Russia? A debatePutin has done nothing to... więcej >

14,90 zł

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CONTENTSThe Kremlin’s Hybrid War. The case of GeorgiaThe many dimensions of hybrid warfare Emil Avdaliani How Russian propaganda works in Georgia Grigol JulukhidzeBorderisation. The Kremlin’s unending war Egor KuroptevReligion as a powerful... więcej >

14,90 zł

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New Eastern Europe is a new Quarterly magazine dedicated to Central and Eastern European affairs. The magazine is the sister edition of the Polish version Nowa Europa Wschodnia, which has been on the Polish market since 2008. Countries in particular... więcej >

16,00 zł

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New Eastern Europe is a new Quarterly magazine dedicated to Central and Eastern European affairs. The magazine is the sister edition of the Polish version Nowa Europa Wschodnia, which has been on the Polish market since 2008. Countries in particular... więcej >

12,00 zł

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Trzeba było sowieckiej i nazistowskiej okupacji, wzajemnej rzezi wsi polskich i ukraińskich, deportacji dziesiątek tysięcy ludzi, ale też pracy paryskiej "Kultury" i opozycji demokratycznej, by Polacy zrozumieli źródła ukraińskiej wrogości... więcej >

10,00 zł

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Ola Hnatiuk

Wydawnictwo: Kolegium Europy Wschodniej

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Odwaga i strach to opowieść o postawach ludzkich w obliczu zagrożenia życia. Autorka ukazuje historię okupowanego Lwowa na poziomie mikrohistorii, z perspektywy historii osobistych. Jednak nie tylko na tym polega niezwykłość tej książki,... więcej >

32,80 zł

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Znaleziono: 63 pozycji


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