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praca naukowa

Znaleziono: 438 pozycji


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The concept of sustainable development has been supported by the European community for many years. This results in the obligation to achieve the objectives and meet the guidelines established by it for the Member States in the above scope, among... więcej >

Development potential depends primarily on the area’s demographic situation, its capacity to attract new residents and the local community’s reproductive capacity. From the perspective of social and economic development, the demographic... więcej >

The paper presents the results of research on the evaluation of Non-Financial Statements (Reports), drafted pursuant to the SIN standard (the Polish Non-Financial Information Standard) by a hypothetical investor. The research question was defined of... więcej >

The main aim of the paper is to determine the similarities and differences in the convergence and synchronization of business cycles in the EU and EMU in 1995-2018. The secondary goals are the following: a) the identification of the core and... więcej >

This paper attempts to describe selected elements regarding the situation on the agricultural property market and the assumptions of the policy in this respect in Poland. Particular attention was paid to legislative changes related to agricultural... więcej >

The purpose of the article is to identify the problem of the mismatch between thematurity structure of assets and liabilities of the Polish banking sector and Polish listed banks. The article analyzes the maturity balance sheet structure of the... więcej >

The article is part of the search for new generators of socio-economic development. The goal was to assess social trust (generalized, trust in public institutions) among students as current and future creators and disposers of this resource, and to... więcej >

Mechanizm podzielonej płatności (split payment) został wprowadzony głównie w celu przeciwdziałania nadużyciom i oszustwom podatkowym w podatku od towarów i usług. W związku z wprowadzeniem nowych przepisów regulacja ta odnosi się... więcej >

Social and economic development is characterised by its spatial diversity. Its conditions on local level usually occur on a larger scale on regional level. Thus, the analysis of development on local level is not only substantively justified but also... więcej >

Czasopismo „Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu” („Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics and Business”) jest wydawane w obecnej formie od 2008 roku. Czasopismo jest kontynuacją serii, które były wydawaneod... więcej >

The emergence of innovative financial services is having a huge impact oncompetition in the banking services market. The aim of the article is to show, from a dynamicperspective, the foundations of a model of competition occurring in the banking... więcej >

Epidemia COVID-19 rozpoczęła się w grudniu 2019 r. w Wuhan w Chinach, a następnie wirus SARS-CoV-2 rozprzestrzenił się po całym świecie. Wielowymiarowe konsekwencje pandemii, widoczne w szczególności w sferze gospodarczej, wywołały... więcej >

Znaleziono: 438 pozycji


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