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Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like „Happy Jack” (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. The plot is well... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

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Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

In „Harrigan”, prolific writer Max Brand takes a detour from the dusty trails of the West where his novels were typically set and spins a gripping nautical tale set in Hawaii and upon the open sea. What starts out as a chance meeting between two... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Hawks and Eagles is the author’s classic. The brand is a great storyteller who shows his enthusiasm for humans and animals, such characters as a professor, a small dog, and Mole. Joe Good, the protagonist, he’s twenty years old. His father was... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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„Bad News for Bad Men” is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Max’s leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

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One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 – May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. In this short story told... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

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Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley.... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Jimmy Kildare met from the hospital every day and arrived at Tom McGuire’s lounge on the avenue. He always drank two mugs of beer. But one from the other, there should be a brain at the fingertips all day long, but two beers are not too far... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Jimmy Kildare used to get away from the hospital every afternoon and go over to Tom McGuire’s saloon on the avenue. He always drank two beers. An interne in the accident room has to have the brains in his fingertips in good order all day long, but... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

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Jeśli Tobias i Allegra chcą odziedziczyć udziały po zmarłej inwestorce, muszą na miesiąc zamieszkać w jej nadmorskiej willi. Dlaczego Esmae postawiła ten warunek? Może domyślała się, że są sobą zafascynowani, tylko to ukrywają?... więcej >

9,45 zł10,99 zł

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Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, an extremely popular fictional character, and other beloved fictional characters. Prolific in many genres he wrote... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Carrick Dunmore seemed to be nothing more than a happy-go-lucky cowboy whose main pastimes were drinking and sleeping. He wasn’t the kind of man who could challenge Jim Tankerton, the outlaw chief whose cruel violence terrorized the countryside.... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Znaleziono: 158 pozycji


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