

Znaleziono: 158 pozycji


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Terry Rivers was the black sheep of an aristocratic Southern family. When he headed West, the Law was in hot pursuit. In Zander City he won respect with his whip, fists and gun. There he met the legendary Lost Wolf, a white man who’d been raised... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

If you like classic animal stories you will like this one for sure. Tucker Crosden bred his dogs to be champions. Yet even by frontiersman’s brutal standards, bull terrier White Wolf was special. Tucker had great plans for the dog until it gave in... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

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Les Burchard owned the local gambling palace, half the town, and most of the surrounding territory, and Walt Devon’s thousand-acre ranch would make him king of the land. The trouble was, Devon didn’t want to sell. In a ruthless bid to claim the... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

The plot revolves around a simple but noble man who inherited the mine. And, of course, there are some dark characters who try to steal it all in various ways. A young thief becomes the brain of an... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Trailin is a classic Western tale of vengeance meted out by six-guns. It tells the story of Anthony Bard, a motherless young man raised among the aristocracy of the East, who possesses a desperate hunger for the adventure that only the Western life... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

If you enjoy a fast moving Western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like "Under His Shirt" by Max Brand (1923). Fascinating characters, action-packed adventure, skillful literary description, and a plot that keeps you... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Lilah postanawia znaleźć męża, kierując się wyłącznie zdrowym rozsądkiem. Układa listę warunków, jakie idealny kandydat musiałby spełniać. Wszystkie te zalety ma jej szef, cóż, kiedy jej nie pociąga. Zmysły Lilah rozpala jego... więcej >

9,45 zł10,99 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

The outlaws chasing Silvertip were the deadliest in the West. They wanted the famous man - and the six-shooters they carried always got them what they wanted. The story relates Jim Silver’s continuing battle of wills and wits with his arch-enemy... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

You don’t get a much more evocative opening than that for a Western novella called „Werewolf”, and the story lives up to both its title and that opening in ways you won’t expect from Max Brand who did write some fantastic fiction. On that... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Doctor Kildare approached just in time to hear Meg say to the officer, „"I heard a shot outside my apartment, then a crash. When I ran out, this man was lying on the landing... „” „"Whiskey Sour"” (1938) is a Doctor Kildare story that... więcej >

11,77 zł14,90 zł

do koszyka

Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Freedom can mean a lot of things, but the hardest to earn and most rewarding will always be wild freedom. Max Brand turned Westerns into an art form with cleverly crafted tales like this one. An old-style cowboy and Indian tale involving Tom, an... więcej >

19,67 zł24,90 zł

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„Gdy zamknęła oczy, poczuł przyjemny dreszcz. Napięcie narastało. Wreszcie z cichym pomrukiem przewrócił ją na plecy. Rozedrgane gorące powietrze, upojna intensywność chwili i wonna, rozjaśniona blaskiem świec noc zlały się w jedną... więcej >

9,45 zł10,99 zł

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Znaleziono: 158 pozycji


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