European Union Private International Labour Law (EU PILL)

European Union Private International Labour Law (EU PILL)

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e-ISBN: 978-83-233-8389-5

The European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice has created a community which adheres to unified laws. In matters regulated by labour law (individual and collective) as well as social security law, the above aim may be met by introducing unified regulations, allowing for identical ways of resolving conflicts of labour law that arise in work relations where there is a cross national element present. In order to ensure legal stability within work relations, national regulations concerning international private labour law had to be replaced by unified conflicts of law norms. These norms are to be applied by both employees and employers of EU member states as well as applied in work relations situations where third parties are involved. EU private international law is a collection of international private labour law regulations issued by EU institutions, which unanimously and in a unifying fashion describe the legal situations of the parties to a work relationship, where there is a foreign element present, allowing for the application of foreign laws based on citizenship, residency, where the headquarters of one of the parties is located, where the work is carried out or where the action has taken place. This book is devoted to regulating labour relations and social security conflict issues and contains material on international treaties enforced in the EU (Regulation No. 593/2008 "Rome I," Regulation No. 864/2007 "Rome II," Council Directive No. 38/2009 on the establishment of a European Works Council, Regulation No. 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems). Such treaties uniformly regulate the resolution of conflicts in individual and collective labour relations and coordinate national social security systems required for clarity purposes. Thanks to such clarity, decisions can easily be made with regard to matters relating to the selection of appropriate systems of substantive and procedural law, and indicate whether labour courts have the jurisdiction to rule in contested cases arising from such legal relations (Brussels, Lugano conventions and the EC Council Regulation No. 44/2001 on the jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement exercising in civil matters).

Rok wydania2012
Liczba stron344
KategoriaPrawo Unii Europejskiej
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introductory Comments    9
  Part I. Preliminary Part    11
    Chapter 1. The subject of international private labour law    13
    Chapter 2. An attempt to erradicate any national labour law conflicts within EU private international labour regulations    25
  Part II. Conflicts of law of individual labour law in the light of the Rome Convention of June 19, 1980 and Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Communities No. 593/2008 of June 17, 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (“Rome I”)    47
    Chapter 1. Rome Convention    49
      § 1. Preparation of the Rome Convention    49
      § 2. The approach of the Rome Convention to the other provisions of private international law rules regulating conflicts of law in obligations    58
      § 3. The scope of the Rome Convention    63
    Chapter 2. Resolving confl icts of substantive labour law in the Rome Convention (“Rome I”)    90
      § 1. Freedom of choice    90
      § 2. Law in the absence of choice    110
      § 3. Determinants in matters regulated by individual employment law    117
      § 4. Mandatory rules    129
      § 5. Scope of applicable law for employment contracts    132
    Chapter 3. Converting the Rome Convention into Regulation No. 593/2008 (“Rome I”)    140
  Part III. Conflict of law issues in individual labour law in light of the Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU ( July 11, 2007), concerning law applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (“Rome II”)    153
    Introduction    155
    Chapter 1. Lex loci damni    156
    Chapter 2. The freedom to elect an appropriate law for non-contractual obligations    162
    Chapter 3. Conflict rules of substantive labour law relating to specific non-contractual obligations arising from tort    166
      § 1. Unfair competition    166
      § 2. Unjust enrichment    168
  Part IV. Conflicts of law in collective labour law Introduction    171
    Chapter 1. Conflicts of law in collective labour law in the Council Directive No. 38 of May 6, 2009 on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (2009/38/EC)    175
    Chapter 2. Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 of the European Parliament and the Council of July 11, 2007 concerning the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (“Rome II”) resulting from collective actions    190
  Part V. Conflicts of law in social security – the coordination of national social security systems of EU Member States according to the regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004 of April 29, 2004 on the coordination of social security systems    199
    Chapter 1. The function of European social security regulations    201
    Chapter 2. The scope and method of application of Regulation No. 883/2004    211
      § 1. Persons covered    211
      § 2. Scope    212
      § 3. Equal treatment    213
      § 4. Aggregation of periods of social security    214
      § 5. The relationship between Regulation No. 883/2004 and the other social security benefi ts coordination instruments    218
    Chapter 3. The Determinants of Coordinating Laws    220
      § 1. General principles    220
      § 2. Exceptions to the general principles    225
      § 3. Specific provisions for different categories of social security benefits    227
  Part VI. International procedural labour law of the European Union Chapter 1. Th e subject of international procedural labour law    249
    Chapter 1. The subject of international procedural labour law    251
      § 1. Introduction    251
      § 2. The EU basis for the legal regulation of international procedural labour law    257
      § 3. The obligation of equal treatment of Community citizens in civil proceedings conducted by the courts of the Member States    263
    Chapter 2. Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgements in matters of employment law    270
      § 1. Introduction    270
      § 2. The scope of the Brussels Convention, Lugano Convention and the EC Council Regulation No. 44/2001 of December 22, 2000 on the jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement exercising in civil matters    272
      § 3. Jurisdiction    277
      § 4. Recognition and enforcement of judgements    300
    Chapter 3. Judical co-operation of Member States in matters of employment law    322
      § 1. Judicial assistance    322
      § 2. Legal assistance    328
  Selected bibliography    331