Motivational Fairy Tales for Children and Adults

1 opinia


Grzegorz Glinka


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Are you ready for a real dose of motivation and inspiration? We have a set of thirty-three fairy tales for you, but these are motivational fairy tales that will brighten your day and make you look at the world from a completely different perspective!

School teaches us many things, but have we ever had a lesson on how to live to be happy? No one has ever told us how to achieve goals or dreams, how to build lasting and happy relationships, how to have constructive conversations… Our tales, with a wink and a large dose of humor, fill this gap in education.

Each story is a humorous journey through life’s twists and turns, showing that happiness is not just a goal, but also the path. It’s the perfect way for both children and adults to discover that the key to happiness lies within ourselves.

Don’t wait, reach for this extraordinary set and give yourself a chance for true happiness, because who if not you, and when if not now? Open yourself to new possibilities and let these fairy tales change your world!

Rok wydania2024
Liczba stron138
KategoriaLiteratura dla dzieci i młodzieży
WydawcaGrzegorz Glinka
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.



Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści


1. Runner Percy and the Mystery of Self-Discipline


2. Karima – The Ant Who Defeated an Elephant


3. Tasty Adventures of Cat Yuri


4. The Butterfly Who Changed the World


5. Unexpected Help in the Forest


6. Wild Boar Rupert and the Power of Truth


7. Recipe for Success or a Recipe for Failure?


8. Magical Power of Gratitude


9. Riding the Wave of Perfection – The Story of Pirate Jaromir


10. Two Dolphins, One Heart


11. Hamster Stuart and the Secret Meeting of the Animal Council


12. Adventure of Uncle Josh and Aunt Hannah


13. Orangutan Who Saved the Jungle


14. Edmund’s Karma


15. Legend of Doe Selena


16. Fluffy and the Lost Butterfly


17. Miracles Happen – The Tale of Amadeus


18. Secrets of the Animaltopia


19. In Search of the Way Home


20. The Stick for Fulfilling Dreams


21. Wise Words of the Old Owl


22. The Secret of Peace – The Story of Kenta and Hiroshi


23. Adventure of Homeless Animals


24. The Last Step of Turtle Miroslav


25. Chlodwig and His Extraordinary Confidence


26. Chasing Peaceful Sleep


27. A Reminder of True Human Value


28. Talkingtown: Magical Encounters


29. Molly the Bison and the Mystery of Smelly Farts


30. Stolen Smiles – The Parable of Queen Lucille


31. Labyrinth of Wisdom


32. Village Without Judgments


33. The Impossible Is Possible: Zero Limits
