Studia Iuridica, nr 100


1 opinia



Numery z podtytułem "Miscellanea" poświęcone są różnym zagadnieniom i problemom prawa polskiego oraz międzynarodowego. Wśród artykułów znajdziemy również teksty dotyczące zjawisk, które czekają na uregulowania prawne, a także analizy z zakresu historii oraz filozofii prawa, etyki i praktyki zawodowej. Autorami są naukowcy oraz praktycy z Polski i z zagranicy.

Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:


The issues with the subtitle "Miscellanea" are devoted to various topics and problems of Polish and international law. Among the articles, we will also find texts on matters awaiting legal regulation, as well as analyses of the history and philosophy of law, ethics and professional practice. The authors are researchers and practitioners from Poland and abroad.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:

Rok wydania2023
Liczba stron343
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaUniwersytet Warszawski
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Tomasz Giaro – Foreword from the editor-in-chief    7
  István Ambrus – How should electric scooters be regulated? An overview of Hungarian legislation, with a Polish outlook    11
  Anna Błachnio-Parzych – Guilt as a premise of administrative liability of a penal character    28
  Magdalena Błaszczyk – Changes in the model of penal liability of collective entities in the Polish legal system – a real breakthrough or a manifestation of opportunism?    44
  Magdalena Budyn-Kulik – The impact of selected neuropsychological brain dysfunctions on the criminal responsibility of the perpetrator    59
  Ewa Dawidziuk – The National Preventive Mechanism in Poland and its activities related to detention centres    74
  Teresa Gardocka – Some comments on the violation of criminal law by acts other than the full accomplishment of a crime    91
  Lech Gardocki – The ebbs and flows. On the scope of criminalization in Polish criminal law from 2012 to 2022    100
  Máté Hodula – Criminal liability of self-driving vehicles under Hungarian criminal law    113
  Piotr Kardas – Protection of values or management by repression. On the functions of contemporary criminal law    126
  Piotr Kładoczny, Barbara Namysłowska-Gabrysiak – Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) in light of disclosed sexual violence at universities in Poland – general reflections relating to legal regulation and practice    153
  Małgorzata Król-Bogomilska – Criminal cartel offence in the UK 10 years after the amendment. Effective reform or further impediment to prosecution?    172
  Marek Kulik – The definition of protected group in the context of approach to genocide under international criminal law and Polish criminal law    197
  Jarosław Majewski – General directives of judicial sentencing for a criminal offence following their latest revision    213
  Grzegorz Materna – Criminal liability of managers in the Polish competition law – development and the perspective of procedural guarantees    229
  Olga Sitarz – Criminalization dilemmas in the case of a legal good in the form of human life    251
  Daniel Sprick – Systemic convictions: China’s fundraising crimes and its financial system    271
  Valeri Vachev – On the purpose and functions of legal-dogmatic research (continental tradition)    289
  Włodzimierz Wróbel – Criminalisation of immigration law    300
  Anna Zientara – Time periods for expungement of convictions involving fines and restriction of liberty    321
  Sławomir Żółtek – Difficulties with the execution of the driving ban as a penal measure    333