Numery z podtytułem Miscellanea poświęcone są różnym zagadnieniom i problemom prawa polskiego oraz międzynarodowego. Wśród artykułów znajdziemy również teksty dotyczące zjawisk, które czekają na uregulowania prawne, a także analizy z zakresu historii oraz filozofii prawa, etyki i praktyki zawodowej. Autorami są naukowcy oraz praktycy z Polski i z zagranicy.

Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:


The issues with the subtitle Miscellanea are devoted to various topics and problems of Polish and international law. Among the articles, we will also find texts on matters awaiting legal regulation, as well as analyses of the history and philosophy of law, ethics and professional practice. The authors are researchers and practitioners from Poland and abroad.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:

Rok wydania2023
Liczba stron444
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaUniwersytet Warszawski
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Jakub Babuśka – The indigenous subject in law: At the intersection of the Cartesian subjectivity and the Rule    7
  Dobrochna Bach-Golecka – The evolution of papal social thought on indigenous peoples    21
  Rodrigo Cespedes – Drug possession, Chilean indigenous peoples, and cultural defences    31
  Daria Ciak – No place to call home. Indigenous peoples and the problem of homelessness    41
  Steven L. Cooper – Indigenous class proceedings in Canada. An examination of the convergence of Indigenous rights and class actions in the Canadian common law system    51
  Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja – A shield or a sword? Migration law and policy and modern slavery in Australia    68
  Natalia Deptała – The concept of delinquency in Mesoamerica: Focus on the Aztecs and the Maya    99
  Magdalena Krysińska-Kałużna – Mantalil, Mauri and Djang: Law and justice in the indigenous worlds    116
  Jan Kunicki – Legacy of the conflict between European and indigenous African legal constructs of land tenure in contemporary Zimbabwe    129
  Jacek Maria Kurczewski – Dilemmas of re-nativization of indigenous law    146
  Karolina Mendecka – The right to mother tongue education for indigenous peoples: An overview of international and regional standards    208
  Jerzy Menkes, Magdalena Suska – The issue of indigenous peoples at the United Nations: Selected problems    232
  Aleksander Posern-Zieliński – New indigenous elite and the formation of ethnonationalism: The case of the Andean countries    253
  Karolina Prażmowska-Marcinkowska – Climate change mitigation and adaptation: With or against indigenous peoples?    286
  Iwona Ryniak-Olszanka – The rights of indigenous peoples in Indonesia in the context of ‘responsibility to protect’    301
  Jakub Sewerynik – Freedom of religion in the European public space. Remarks based on the latest case law of selected international and national courts concerning religious symbols    318
  Dominik Światkowski – Corsican separatism in the face of socio-legal challenges. Analysis of the problem on the basis of French, international and European law    334
  Chris Thornhill – Indigenous rights as a field of sociological research    374
  Wojciech Załuski – How to conceptualize ‘crimes beyond words’? Simone Weil’s perspective    405
  Krzysztof Ząbecki – Present-day policies concerning Indigenous languages in the Americas: A geographical approach    419