Humanization of the treatment process and clinical communication between patients and medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

1 opinia



This report is based on research conducted under a grant from Poland’s Medical Research Agency, carried out at the University of Warsaw from May 2021 to June 2023. Preliminary findings were presented at the First Congress on the Humanization of Medicine held at the University of Warsaw in June 2022, organized by the Polish Ministry of Health, the Medical Research Agency, and the University of Warsaw.

The survey results presented herein concern four different groups of healthcare employees (physicians, nurses, paramedics, and representatives of other medical and non-medical professions) working at 114 health care units located across the country, a sample of patients at the same medical units, as well as a separate population-based sample of patients from across Poland (individuals who had received medical treatment in the last 24 months).

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:


Humanizacja procesu leczenia i komunikacja kliniczna pomiędzy pacjentem a personelem medycznym w czasie pandemii COVID-19

Raport powstał w ramach grantu Agencji Badań Medycznych realizowanego na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim od maja 2021 do czerwca 2023 roku. Wstępne wyniki badań przedstawiono na I Kongresie Humanizacji Medycyny w czerwcu 2022 roku, zorganizowanego na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia, Agencję Badań Medycznych i UW.

Wyniki prezentowane w tej publikacji dotyczą czterech różniących się liczebnością grup pracowników (lekarzy, pielęgniarek, ratowników medycznych oraz przedstawicieli innych zawodów medycznych i niemedycznych) ze 114 jednostek ochrony zdrowia zlokalizowanych w całym kraju, a także pacjentów z tych samych jednostek medycznych oraz pacjentów z próby populacyjnej (osób leczących się w ostatnich 24 miesiącach). Opisując wyniki, wybrano tematy najważniejsze z punktu widzenia dyskusji nad humanizacją medycyny, silnie akcentując kontekst pandemii COVID-19.

Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem:

Rok wydania2023
Liczba stron240
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaUniwersytet Warszawski
Numer wydania1
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

   1. Research background    23
   1.1. Theoretical concepts underpinning the
   humanization of medicine    23
   1.2. Theoretical models of the doctor–patient
   relationship in healthcare    27
   2. The medical staff–patient relationship    28
   2.1. Transformations of the doctor–patient
   relationship    28
   2.2. Importance of interpersonal relationships in
   healthcare institutions    29
   3. Clinical communication    32
   3.1. Communication in clinical practice    32
   3.2. Importance of communication in clinical
   trials    36
   4. Patients’ rights    40
   5. The COVID-19 pandemic from healthcare workers’
   perspective    42
   5.1. Mental wellbeing of healthcare workers    44
   5.2. Professional burnout    46
   5.3. Social relations    48
   5.4. Lifestyle elements    51
   5.5. Specifics of working in a pandemic    54
   6. The COVID-19 pandemic from patients’ perspective
   6.1. Mental health and physical health    57
   6.2. Working life during the pandemic period    60
   6.3. Social relations during the pandemic period
   6.4. Mode of providing medical services    62
   6.5. Patients’ avoidance of visits to Healthcare
   Facilities    63
   7. Protective factors in the COVID-19 pandemic    65
   1. Project objective    69
   2. Project schedule    70
   3. Project methodology and study participants    71
   3.1. Pilot study: Qualitative Interviews    72
   3.2. Pilot study: Pilot Survey at Healthcare
   Facilities    73
   3.3. Main study: Survey at Healthcare Facilities
   3.4. Main study: Patient Population Survey    77
   3.5. Main study: Survey of Clinical Trial Patients
   4. Research tools used in the project    78
   5. Method of presenting results    83
   1. Humanization of medicine as perceived by patients
   and staff at healthcare facilities    89
   1.1. Background of the analysis    89
   1.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    90
   1.3. Results    92
   1.3.1. The perspective of healthcare workers    92
   1.3.2. The perspective of patients of
   healthcare facilities    101
   1.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    114
   2. The COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of
   healthcare workers    118
   2.1. Background of the analysis    118
   2.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    119
   2.3. Results    121
   2.3.1. Working during the COVID-19 pandemic    121
   2.3.2. Mental health risks    124
   2.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    126
   3. The COVID-19 pandemic, the treatment process, and
   the approach to healthcare from patients’ perspective
   3.1. Background of the analysis    128
   3.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    130
   3.3. Results    131
   3.3.1. Location, reasons and other
   circumstances of treatment    131
   3.3.2. Work-related infection risks    133
   3.3.3. Impact of the pandemic on the treatment
   process and diagnosis    134
   3.3.4. Delays in access to medical care    135
   3.3.5. Consciously avoiding contact with
   healthcare facilities    137
   3.3.7. Mental response to the epidemiological
   situation    138
   3.3.8. Changes in outlook on different spheres
   of life    139
   3.3.9. Socio-demographic determinants of some
   pandemic impact indicators    140
   3.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    143
   4. The health status of healthcare workers and
   patients    145
   4.1. Background of the analysis    145
   4.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    146
   4.2.1. Physical health indicators    146
   4.2.2. Mental and social health indicators    147
   4.3. Results    150
   4.3.1. Physical health    150
   4.3.2. Psychosocial health    153
   4.3.3. Social support vs. stress levels    159
   4.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    160
   5. Selected health consequences of living in the
   COVID-19 pandemic linked to behavioral factors    162
   5.1. Background of the analysis    162
   5.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    163
   5.3. Results    166
   5.3.1. Use of stimulants and selected drugs by
   healthcare workers    166
   5.3.2. Weight changes according to patients in
   a population-based sample    169
   5.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    171
   6. Patients’ rights    174
   6.1. Background of the analysis    174
   6.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    177
   6.3. Results    178
   6.3.1. Knowledge and perception of compliance
   with patients’ rights    178
   6.3.2. Perceptions of patients’ rights, broken
   down by demographic and social characteristics
   6.3.3. Perception of compliance with patients’
   rights vs. level of trust in healthcare
   professionals    187
   6.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    190
   7. Public perception of clinical trials (according to
   patients in the population-based sample)    192
   7.1. Background of the analysis    192
   7.2. Research tools and method of presenting
   results    193
   7.3. Results    194
   7.3.1. Willingness to participate in future
   clinical trials    194
   7.3.2. Factors that may influence the decision
   to participate in clinical trials    195
   7.3.3. Interest in participating in clinical
   trials in the future, broken down by selected
   characteristics of respondents    198
   7.4. Summary, practical implications, and
   directions for further research    204
  Table of Tables    207
  Index of Figures    211
  Bibliography    213