Tax Avoidance, Accounting and Financial Reporting. The Perspective of the Visegrad Group Countries and Serbia

Tax Avoidance, Accounting and Financial Reporting. The Perspective of the Visegrad Group Countries and Serbia

1 opinia


Piotr Luty



Jest to pierwsza z trzech monografii poświęconych unikaniu opodatkowania w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, finansowana w ramach projektu z Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego. Autorami rozdziałów są naukowcy w Polski, Czech, Serbii i Portugalii. Prezentowane w niej zagadnienia obejmują unikanie opodatkowania z perspektywy podstawowego systemu informacyjnego spółek – systemu rachunkowości. W książce mówiono wartości niematerialne i prawne oraz rzeczowe aktywa trwałe w kontekście unikania opodatkowania, a także poruszono zagadnienie raportowania finansowego w kontekście ustalania efektywnej stopy opodatkowania

Rok wydania2021
Liczba stron94
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction (Piotr Luty)    7
  1. Review of research on tax avoidance and accounting (Piotr Luty, Rui Costa) 9
    1.1. Introduction     9
    1.2. Tax avoidance in studies by researchers from the Visegrad Group and Serbia     9
    1.3. Tax avoidance in accounting studies by researchers from the Visegrad Group and Serbia    13
    1.4. Conclusions    16
  References     17
  2. Adoption of IFRS or US GAAP on intangible assets and the potential effect on the final result. A theoretical overview (Miloš Petković, Ana Obradović) 18
    2.1. The role of intangibles in the corporate world    18
      2.1.1. Determination of intangible assets 20s
      2.1.2. Characteristics of intangible assets     22
    2.2. IFRS on intangible assets     26
    2.3. US GAAP on intangible assets     29
    2.4. Differences and similarities between IFRS and US GAAP     31
    2.5. Relations between intangible assets and final result     32
    2.6. Conclusions    35
  References     35
  3. Comparability of financial statements in the area of intangible assets in different financial reporting systems (Patrik Svoboda)     41
    3.1. Introduction     41
    3.2. Intangible assets in IAS/IFRS and US GAAP     44
    3.3. Intangible assets according to IFRS for SMEs    51
    3.4. The situation in selected V4 countries     52
    3.5. The situation in IAS/IFRS     57
  References     62
  4. Property, plant and equipment – possibilities of influencing the financial results of entities under Polish accounting regulations and IAS 16 (including Polish tax law regulations) (Przemysław Czajor)    63
    4.1. Introduction     63
    4.2. The areas of the accounting principles of fixed assets    65
      4.2.1. Recognition of an asset as an item of PP&E    65
      4.2.2. Initial recognition     65
    4.3. Measurement after initial recognition     67
      4.3.1. Revaluation model    68
      4.3.2. Cost model     69
      4.3.3. Other costs concerning the use of PP&E     72
    4.4. PP&E from the perspective of the Corporate Income Tax Act    73
      4.4.1. Initial recognition     73
      4.4.2. Depreciation and other costs incurred after initial recognition     74
    4.5. Conclusions    75
  References     76
  5. Corporate tax reporting: effective tax rate of Serbian business entities (Goranka Knežević, Vule Mizdraković) 78
    5.1. Introduction     78
    5.2. Procedure of corporate income tax calculation in the Republic of Serbia    79
      5.2.1. Calculation of the tax base    80
      5.2.2. Statutory and effective tax rate of the Republic of Serbia and other countries    81
    5.3. Adjustments of revenues and expenses in the tax balance    84
    5.4. Literature review    85
    5.5. Research on the management of an effective tax rate of Serbian business entities    86
      5.5.1. Research methodology     87
      5.5.2. Research results    87
    5.6. Conclusions    89
  References     90
  Summary    92
  List of figures     94
  List of tables     94