FREE ENERGY — EE — „The formula of everything”

1 opinia


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108,23  135,29 (-20%)

Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 108,23 zł 

The book „Free Energy” is another item in the series in which the author Elia analyzes (often in the form of interesting dialogues) the phenomenon of free energy. Free, i.e. available to everyone and very cheap. At the same time, he studies the principle of continuous motion — a kind of perpetual motion machine. With this idea, Imanuel creates a beautiful vision of the world… He is investigating whether artificial intelligence (AI) chatsgpt 4: Elia, I analyze, is able to create FREE ENERGY.

Rok wydania2023
Liczba stron92
WydawcaRidero IT Solution
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

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