Migrations in the Slavic Cultural Space From the Middle Ages to the Present Day

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The volume consists of materials that were presented during the international scientific conference entitled Migrations in the Slavic Cultural Space, held at the Department of Slavic Philology of the UL on May 6, 2022, in cooperation with researchers from the Institute of History Belgrade.
This symposium received an extraordinary amount of attention in the circles of specialists representing various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. The volume has a three-part structure. The first, which has a strictly monographic character, is comprised of five articles addressing the issue of migration of the Serbian ethnos in the 16th_ 13th centuries. The texts included in the other two sections provide a historical, cultural, and literary background for the topic explored in the first part, broadening the reader' s knowledge about the hi story of Southern, Western and Eastern Slavs from the Middle Ages to the 21 st century.
The phenomenon of migration has been interpreted here on many semantic levels, situated in various discourses, and examined in diverse categories, such as historical and political, economic and social, religious and cultural. It has been studied directly and indirectly in the ideological, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual spaces. It is from such a wide-ranging perspective that this monograph presents the phenomenon of migration, referred to and identified within the boundaries of the entire Slavic region, defined through the prism of fixed and variable, universal and local categories and cultural implications.

Rok wydania2022
Liczba stron365
KategoriaHistoria Europy
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction    5
  I. On the Migration of Serbs in the Early Modern Era    13
  Isidora Točanac Radović, The Great Migration of Serbs and the Question of the Serbian Ethnic and Religious Community in the Habsburg
  Monarchy    15
  Szvetlána Borál, The Patriarchal Paradigm in Migration: The Social Challenges of the Serbian Family in Hungary After the Great Migration / Patrijarhalna paradigma u vremenu migracija: društveni izazovi srpske porodice u Ugarskoj nakon Velike seobe    29
  Jelena Ilić Mandić, The Military Frontier and Emigration Challenges in
  the 18th Century    45
  Nino Delić, Becoming an Austrian Subject: Naturalization of Serbian Immigrants in the Austrian Military Frontier in the Early 19th Century, Changing Policies and the Perception of En Masse and Individual Integration of Serbian Migrants    63
  Piotr Kręzel, Historiographical Disputes on Serbs’ Migration in the Early Modern Period. A Side-Commentary to the Rajko Veselinović and Gligor Stanojević Polemic / Historiograficzny spór wokół migracji Serbów we wczesnej dobie nowożytnej. Kilka uwag na marginesie polemiki Rajka Veselinovicia i Gligora Stanojevicia    79
  II. Historical Implications of Migration    93
  Aleksandar Krstić, The Emergence of “Sırf Vilâyeti”: Serbian Migrations
  to the Territory of Banat by the Mid-16th Century and Their Results    95
  Michal Franko, The Migration of the Slovak Population to Békés County
  – the Problems of the First Immigrants    113
  Krzysztof Popek, Uninvited Guests. Circassian Migrants in the South
  Slavic Lands (1860s–mid-1870s)    127
  Joanna Kulpińska, Przemysław Mitka, Julia Dural, Aleksandra Tutko, The Migration Trajectories of Poles and Jews from Rzeszów to the United States at the Turn of the 20th Century – Shared or Divergent Routes? / Trajektorie migracyjne Polaków i Żydów z Rzeszowa na przełomie XIX
  i XX w. do Stanów Zjednoczonych – wspólne czy odmienne szlaki? ... 141 Anna Pachowicz, The History of Assimilation of the Polish Diaspora in
  France in the 20th Century (Selected Issues) / Z dziejów asymilacji polskiej diaspory we Francji w XX w. (wybrane zagadnienia)    159
  Angelika Zanki, The Reasons for the Emigration of Croats to South America between 1880–1914 and Their Impact in the Political Context    175
  Marina Bantiou, American Oral History Archives on Slavic Immigration.
  An Overview of Preserving Slavic Immigrants’ Life Stories    189
  Wojciech Mądry, Piast Burials Abroad as an Example of the Migration of Slavic Rulers in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era / Pochówki piastowskie poza granicami kraju jako przykład migracji władców
  słowiańskich w średniowieczu i początkach ery nowożytnej    199
  Janusz Mieczkowski, Ukrainians and Lemkos displaced from the Vistula Operation and Their Descendants in Cemeteries in North-Western Poland / Ukraińscy i łemkowscy przesiedleńcy z akcji Wisła i ich potomkowie na cmentarzach w Polsce północno-zachodniej    215
  III. Cultural and Literary Dimensions of Migration    229
  Jovana Šaljić Ratković, Serbian Literature and Emigration of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims during Austro-Hungarian Rule / Српска књижевност и исељавање босанскохерцеговачких
  муслимана у време аустроугарске управе    231
  Sofija D. Filipov Radulović, The Philosophy of Not Forgetting in Miloš Crnjanski’s “A Novel of London” / Филозофија незаборављања
  у “Роману о Лондону” Милоша Црњанског    249
  Dejan Ajdačić, The Identity of Serbian Emigrants at the End of the 20th Century (Based on Books by Mileta Prodanović and David Albahari) / Идентитет и осећања српских исељеника крајем 20. века
  (по књигама Милете Продановића и Давида Албахарија)    261
  Aleksandra Korda-Petrović, Czech Writers on the Trauma of Exile / Чешки писци о трауми егзила    277
  Magdalena Dąbrowska, A Russian in England. On “The Letters of a Russian Travelling across Europe from 1802 to 1806” by Dmitry Gorikhvostov / Rosjanin w Anglii. Wokół „Listów Rosjanina podróżującego
  po Europie od 1802 do 1806 r.” Dmitrija Gorichwostowa    289
  Nel Bielniak, Tragic Maladaptation. The Case of Nina Petrovskaya / Tragiczne nieprzystosowanie. Casus Niny Pietrowskiej    301
  Daniel Kalinowski, The Other and Foreign Categories in Maria Konopnicka’s “Pan Balcer w Brazylii” / Kategoria Innego w „Panu Balcerze
  w Brazylii” Marii Konopnickiej    313
  Angela Espinosa Ruiz, New York and Homesickness in Ryhor Krušyna’s Poetry    327
  Wojciech Jóźwiak, From Dreams to Reality – Emigrations and Emigres in Bulgarian Cinema / Od marzenia do rzeczywistości – emigracje
  i emigranci w kinie bułgarskim    337
  Abstracts    353