Ex Oriente Lux

Studies in Honour of Jolanta Młynarczyk

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Księga pamiątkowa dla profesor Jolanty Młynarczyk, wieloletniego pracownika Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, wybitnej badaczki zajmującej się archeologią Bliskiego Wschodu w okresie hellenistyczno-rzymskim i bizantyjskim oraz ceramiką. Zebrane w tomie artykuły znakomitych archeologów polskich i zagranicznych dotyczą m.in. Egiptu, Cypru i Lewantu.

A commemorative book in honour of professor Jolanta Młynarczyk, a long-time worker of the Institute of Archaeology at Warsaw University, a distinguished scholar, whose main fields of study were the archaeology of the Middle East in the Hellenistic-Roman and Byzantine periods and ceramics. The articles written by the outstanding Polish and foreign archaeologists and collected in the volume concern Egypt, Cyprus and the Levant.

Rok wydania2020
Liczba stron448
WydawcaUniwersytet Warszawski
Numer wydania1
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Tabula gratulatoria    9
  Addresses    11
  Jola    13
  Bibliography of Jolanta Młynarczyk    17
  Barbara Tkaczow, Plateia, Pedion, “Canopic Street”: Archeological evidence of the main street of ancient
  Alexandria    25
  Barbara Lichocka, Trois monnaies «isiaques» de Kôm el-Dikka à Alexandrie (saisons de fouilles 1963–2006)    35
  Pascale Ballet, Figurines, sites et contextes dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine. Études de cas provinciaux:
  de Tell el-Herr à Bouto    45
  Karol Myśliwiec, More about the Dionysian thiasos in Ptolemaic Athribis (Lower Egypt)    73
  Anna Południkiewicz, Braziers from Athribis (Nile Delta)    85
  Iwona Zych, Empress and African: Two female images on terracotta oil lamps from the Red Sea portof Berenike    97
  Adam Łukaszewicz, Horus and Seth revisited. An incident on the Nile described by a Roman poet    105
  Nancy Serwint, A Nubian Lady in Cyprus    113
  Claire Balandier, Nea Paphos, fondation chypriote ou lagide? Nouvelles considérations sur la genèse du port et de la ville    125
  Yannick Vernet, The evolution of the religious topography of Paphos under the reign of Nikokles    147
  Monika Rekowska, In search of Ptolemaic palaces...    157
  Eustathios Raptou, Amphore cinéraire peinte hellenistique de Palaepaphos    175
  Demetrios Michaelides, A fragment of a royal oinochoe from Nea Paphos    191
  John Lund, “Centuries of Darkness” revisited: Another look at the archaeological evidence from Cyprus,
  between ca. AD 150 and AD 350    197
  Adam Łajtar, Inscriptions discovered during the work of the Polish archaeological mission in Kato (Nea) Paphos    209
  Marek T. Olszewski, Les figures de rhétorique et l’antithèse dans la narration allégorique de la mosaïque
  de la Maison d’Aiôn à Paphos (Chypre)    221
  Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, ΤΑ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚA. Collection of Cypriot antiquities in the Jagiellonian University
  Institute of Archaeology in Cracow    251
  Martha K. Risser, Rachel Ben-Dov, Ragna Stidsing, Jane C. Skinner, Michal Artzy and Ann E. Killebrew,
  A Phoenician bearded male mask from Tel Akko    261
  Urszula Wicenciak, Hellenistic vessels from the Phoenician sanctuary in Chhim (Central Lebanon)    281
  Krzysztof Jakubiak, The Roman temple in Chhim, Lebanon: The architectural decoration of the façade    287
  Jean-Baptiste Humbert, Quelques coroplasties de Palestine aux motifs de combats    301
  François Villeneuve, Khirbet Sara (Jordan), 1983    309
  Julia Burdajewicz, Wall paintings, wall mosaics, and marble wall revetments in Early Christian churches of the southern Levant    323
  Chaim Ben David, Mechael Osband, The Byzantine and Early-Islamic periods at Deir Aziz: A methodo logical
  question of period identifi cation between survey and excavation    335
  Mariusz Burdajewicz, Some remarks on the architectural decoration of the North-West Church at Hippos (Susita)    345
  Piotr Makowski, Liturgy after an earthquake. The reduction of sacral space of churches in the cities of Jund al-Urdunn    363
  Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz, Moulds and mould-made ceramics from the Jarash hippodrome potters’ workshops    373
  Anna de Vincenz, A clay tobacco pipe from Ramla    385
  Jean-Michel de Tarragon, Rivages de la mer Morte: photographies inédites, fin 1908 – début 1909    391
  And Beyond
  Roksana Chowaniec, “Are you eating all this, Mister Marcus?” Towards a study of ancient Sicilian food products and diet    401
  Maria Jaworska, Oil lamps attributed to the Gamos workshop found in Ptolemais, Cyrenaica    411
  Piotr Dyczek, Rhizon – capital of the Illyrian kingdom – some remarks    423
  Marcin Matera, Tomasz Scholl, Hellenistic housing in Western Tanais    435