U.S.–Latin American. Relations


U.S.–Latin American. Relations

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This volume represents the latest one of the Basic American Documents. The series is the product of research carried out by the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora and the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University. Over the past few years this series has presented impressive collections of primary sources related to American history, foreign policy and constitutional law.
In this volume Karol Derwich, a Ph.D. from the Center for Latin American Studies of the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, presents a collection of primary sources related to U.S. relations with Latin American and Caribbean region. The volume, organized by chronology and theme, will be especially useful for those scholars focusing on U.S. foreign policy in Latin American and the Caribbean region

Rok wydania2014
Liczba stron216
KategoriaStosunki międzynarodowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Język publikacjipolski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.


Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Foreword    7
  Chapter One. The First Half of the 19th Century    9
  Simón Bolivar: Letter from Jamaica, September 6, 1815    10
  The Monroe Doctrine, December 2, 1823    17
  President James Polk’s First Annual Message, December 2, 1845    20
  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848    23
  Chapter Two. The Cuban-American Affairs    27
  John Quincy Adams’ Letter to Hugh Nelson, April, 1823    28
  The Ostend Manifest, October 15, 1854    32
  José Martí, Nuestra America (Our America), January 30, 1891    35
  The Decision to Act Against Spain, William McKinley, April 11, 1898    41
  The Teller Amendment, April 20, 1898    48
  The Platt Amendment, March 2, 1902    50
  Fidel Castro’s Address before the U.N. General Assembly, September 26, 1960    51
  Chapter Three. Inter-oceanic Canal in Central America    59
  The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, April 19, 1850    60
  The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, November 18, 1901    62
  The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, November 18, 1903    64
  Torrijos-Carter Treaties, September 7, 1977    67
  Chapter Four. At the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century    71
  James Blaine Opening Address at the First International American Conference, October 2, 1889    72
  The Olney Memorandum, July 20, 1895    74
  The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine    77
  The Fourth International American Conference, July 20 – August 30, 1910    81
  Woodrow Wilson Non-recognition Doctrine    85
  A Latin American Doctrine of Anti-imperialism, Victor Haya de la Torre, 1926    87
  Chapter Five. Good Neighbor Policy    91
  The Clark Memorandum, December 17, 1928    92
  Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Good Neighbor Policy    93
  The Anti-war Treaty of Non-aggression and Conciliation (Saavedra Lamas Treaty), October 10, 1933    95
  7th International Conference of American States, Montevideo, December 26, 1933    98
  Declaration of Principles of Inter-American Solidarity and Cooperation, December 21, 1936    102
  Chapter Six. Inter-American System    105
  The Act of Chapultepec, March 6, 1945    106
  The Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, September 2, 1947    110
  The Charter of the Organization of American States, April 30, 1948    113
  American Treaty on Pacifi c Settlement (Pact of Bogota), April 30, 1948    120
  Resolutions Adopted at the Eighth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Punta del Este, Uruguay, January 22–31, 1962    126
  Chapter Seven. The Cold War in the Western Hemisphere    133
  Caracas Declaration of Solidarity, March 28, 1954    134
  The Alliance for Progress    136
  The Second Declaration of Havana, February 4, 1962    144
  Guerilla Warfare: A Method, 1963    151
  The National Security of All the Americas Is at Stake in Central America    157
  Chapter Eight. The End of the Cold War and Democratization    161
  The Enterprise for the Americas Initiative, 1990    162
  The Santiago Declaration and the Mechanism of Defending Democracy in America, 1991    164
  Declaration of Managua, 1993    168
  The North American Free Trade Agreement / Tratado de Libre Comercio en America del Norte, 1994    171
  Chapter Nine. The Summits of the Americas    177
  The First Summit of the Americas, Miami, December 9–11, 1994    178
  The Second Summit of the Americas, Santiago de Chile, April 18–19, 1998    181
  The Third Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, April 20–22, 2001    185
  The Fourth Summit of the Americas, Mar del Plata, November 5, 2005    189
  Chapter Ten. The War on Drugs    195
  Richard Nixon’s “War on Drugs”    196
  Illegal Drugs as a Threat to National Security and the Certifi cation Procedure    200
  Plan Colombia, 2000    205
  Merida Initiative    212