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Wydawnictwo: Colorful Media

Format: epub, mobi, pdf, ibuk

Seria kieszonkowych poradników językowo-biznesowych pomoże Ci poszerzyć słownictwo i wiedzę w różnych dziedzinach. Książeczki zawierają tematycznie zgromadzone pojęcia i zagadnienia, a także ich tłumaczenia. Bądź specjalistą w... więcej >

The aim of this e-book is to present the most important aspects related to sustainability, corporate social responsibility and innovation from an accounting perspective. The book contains parts that deal with accounting aspects of sustainability and... więcej >

The study is divided into three chapters corresponding to the identified problem areas. The first chapter is devoted to selected issues of the broadly understood valuation in accounting. The second chapter discusses the problems of reporting... więcej >

Accounting is a specific language in business. Mastering accounting regulations allows not only the maintaining of records of economic operations and their appropriate analysis, but also the creation of financial reports in accordance with... więcej >

Słownik zawiera ponad 22 000 terminów używanych w prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej zarówno przez podmioty krajowe, jak i zagraniczne. Trzecie wydanie Słownika rachunkowości, audytu i podatków uzupełniono o nowy załącznik... więcej >

The Department of Finance and Accounting at Wrocław University of Economics and the Department of Finance at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń decided to organize cyclical scientific conferences entitled “Finance and accounting for... więcej >

Publikacja General Accounting Theory – Evolution and Design for Efficiency stanowi unikalną pozycję na polskim rynku wydawniczym. Powstała z inicjatywy pracowników Katedr Rachunkowości Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie i WSPiZ im. Leona... więcej >

It is appropriate to note that Wnuk-Pel has given a comprehensive summary of the ABC adoption in various countries and companies across the globe. For anyone interested in and keen on the topic, the book offers an outstanding reference source of... więcej >

This book presents the results of Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation. It containsthe papers prepared for the 10th international conference “Quantitative Methodsin Accounting and Finance”. Accounting and finance face nowadays many... więcej >

Global economy, which became a sign of the times, caused several implications both on macro and micro economic levels. Globalisation intensified cross-national interactions resulting in the free flow of capital, it changed market rules (market... więcej >

Accounting and finance are those disciplines of economic sciences in which quantitative methods are often used: statistics, econometrics and operational research. These methods make possible the quantification of different economic occurrences and... więcej >

Finance and accounting are the disciplines of economic sciences in which quantitative methods are often used: statistics, econometrics and operational research. These methods make possible the quantification of different economic occurrences and the... więcej >

Znaleziono: 15 pozycji


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