Moving between Modes

Papers in Intersemiotic Translation in Memoriam Professor Alina Kwiatkowska

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Professor Alina Kwiatkowska’s untimely departure prevented her from seeing this publication project through to the end. This book is dedicated to her memory and it is only suitable to have the volume summarised in Professor Kwiatkowska’s own words, coming from a draft of the former editor’s introductory chapter:
“The present collection of papers was inspired by the international conference on lntersemiotic Translation held at the University of Łódź in 2013. Organized by the Institute of English Studies, it brought together many enthusiastic participants, who gathered to discuss the issues that many traditional scholars would consider to be niche and rather exotic. The volume includes a selection of papers from that conference, complemented by same additional contributions.”
Mikołaj Deckert
Monika Kocot
Aleksandra Majdzińska-Koczorowicz

Rok wydania2020
Liczba stron352
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  In Memoriam Professor Alina Kwiatkowska    11
  Mikołaj Deckert, Monika Kocot, Aleksandra Majdzińska-Koczorowicz – Moving between Modes – Intersemioticity, Translation and Interdisciplinarity    13
  Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk – Remembering Alina Kwiatkowska    21
  Part One: Theoretical Reflection
  Lars Elleström – Media Transformation: The Transfer of Media Characteristics between Media     27
  José Sanjinés – From Translation to Intersemiosis: A Journey across Expressive Modalities    43
  Marta Kaźmierczak – From Intersemiotic Translation to Intersemiotic Aspects of Translation    61
  Magdalena Wasilewska-Chmura – Why Intersemiotics Isn’t Enough? Remarks on Intersemiotic and Intermedial Studies    89
  Part Two: Modes of Literature
  Tilo Reifenstein – Between the Visible and the Legible: Raymond Pettibon’s “I” Caught in Translation    107
  Monika Kocot – From Broken Communication to the Technique of (Linguistic) Anamorphosis. Edwin Morgan’s Concrete Poetry    121
  Anna Szczepanek-Guz – Perception and Conceptualization of Visual Arts in Ekphrastic Poetry    139
  Agnieszka Taborska – Franciszka Themerson and the Gaberbocchus Press: Bestlookers versus Bestsellers    151
  Marcin Giżycki – Bacon, Friedman, Themerson or How to Translate Anything to Anything    161
  Part Three: The Interfaces of Music
  Elżbieta Górska – From Music to Language and Back    173
  Marcin Stawiarski – Vocal Intersemioticity in James Chapman’s How Is This Going to Continue?    191
  Karen Wilson-deRoze – Mixed Signals: How German Lieder, as Multimodal Texts, Present Particular Challenges for Translators.    207
  Joanna Barska – Love Old Sweet Song: How Joyce Narrativizes with Music?    225
  Elena Aznacheeva, Yulia Mamonova – The Verbalization of Music in Fiction    235
  Part Four: Performance
  Izabela Szymańska – On the Analogies between Translation and Film Adaptations of Literary Classics    251
  Claudia Cao – The Ending of Great Expectations According to South Park: A Science-Fictional Revisitation    265
  Jadwiga Uchman – A Philosophical Debate on the Screen – Bishop Berkeley’s Esse Est Percipi and Samuel Beckett’s Film    279
  Eva Bubnášová – Between Text and Performance: On the Productive Reception of H. C. Andersen’s Fairy Tales by the Slovak Radio    295
  Łukasz Borowiec – Inside Noise: Intersemiotic Translation and Metatheatre in Radio Drama    309
  James Moir – Reading the Signs: Intersemioticity and Non-Verbal Communication    323
  Teresa Bruś – Serialization and Multiplication in Portraiture: Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and Photographic Translations    335
  Contributors    345